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"Get your clothes on because I have a night planned for us." said Alex as she walked into Victoria's room.

"First time you're actually organized." joked Victoria and Alex threw her shoe at her. "Alright, sorry, sorry!"

"As I was saying, you need to get dressed because they won't let you in anywhere in just underwear and no bra." said Alex, laughing.

"Actually, I could probably be let into a strip club." said Victoria as she went towards her wardrobe.

"If you think about it, maybe. But, we're not going to one." said Alex, shaking her head.

"Shame, I'd love to see lovely ladies strip for me." joked Victoria.

"Trust me, me too." joined in Alex.

The two looked at each other and then started laughing.

"What are we doing?" asked Victoria as she looked through her clothes.

"Do you really want me to tell you or do you want a surprise?" asked Alex.

"Oh, come on! You know I hate surprises once I already know about them!" exclaimed Victoria.

"Fine, fine. First, going to this really cool restaurant I found the other day, then I'm finally taking you to my psychic like you always wanted." said Alex, excitedly.

"No way! We're going to your psychic! Oh, you know I've always wanted to go to her since you started going!" shouted Victoria, jumping around.

"I asked her if she could take us both because finally after years the client she had right after me stopped coming to her so she has time to do us both." said Alex.

"I would hug you but I'm kind of stuck with my bra so I will if only you help me put it on." said Victoria who got tangled in her bra after jumping from the news of the psychic.

Alex laughed as she stood from the bed and helped Victoria put on her bra and then clipped it together in the back. As soon as it was done, Victoria jumped on Alex and hugged her tightly.

"Jesus, woman. Calm down, I almost fell and died there." exclaimed Alex jokingly.

"Hey! I'm not that heavy." said Victoria.

"Yeah, and I am not strong. I can barely lift twenty kilograms so let's not start on fifty-something." said Alex, laughing as she dropped Victoria on her bed.

Soon, the two were both ready and they left the house after saying good-bye to the boys.

They walked out into the rain and quickly ran to Alex's car.

"You are not driving." said Victoria.

"Why? I'm a very good driver!" exclaimed Alex.

"I almost died last time you drove!" exclaimed Victoria, laughing.

"That was months ago and, besides, I drive myself to university twice a week at least and I haven't died or got a ticket yet!" said Alex proudly.

"Fine, but I swear if we die it's all your fault." said Victoria, getting in the car.

Alex drove them to the restaurant she had found and made a reservation at through the harsh rain and wind.

"Clara, has her shop only across the road. right there you see it?" asked Alex as she pointed to a small shop in the corner on the opposite side of the road that was mostly colored purple and gold and had crystals, tarot cards and lots of cards on display in the glass windows that were decorated with colored hangings.

"Oh, it looks so cool!" exclaimed Victoria. "Come on, let's go eat so we can go her!"

"Fine, fine." said Alex.

Victoria and Alex ate at a Chinese restaurant as it was both of their favourite kind of food right after Italian food.

Victoria took a video of her and Alex to put on her Instagram story got Alex to take a funny picture with her to also put on her Instagram story and then the two finished their food and went out of the restaurant towards the psychic.

"Ah, Alex! It's good to see you again I see you've finally brought your friend which you asked so many times about." said Clara as Alex and Victoria entered the shop.

"How did she know it was you? She's turned away from us!" whisper-shouted Victoria to Alex.

"I wondered about that too in the beginning but then I asked and she said she could sense my aura." whispered Alex to Victoria and then walked up to Clara. "Yes, I have brought Victoria. Couldn't waste an opportunity like this, could I?"

"Still remember what I told you two months ago, do you? Not to waste opportunities." said Clara as she got off the ladder.

She was a woman around her sixties maybe late fifties with her long grey hair tied in a braid. She had a colorful long dress on with a long black cardigan and lots of necklaces and bracelets.

 "Victoria, nice to meet you. I'm Clara as you already know." said Clara stretching out her hand to Victoria who looked at her admirably.

"This is so cool and you know I'm Victoria." said Victoria, laughing.

"Of course. Come on, girls, let's start, shall we?" asked Clara, smiling as she walked towards a room behind a doorway with beads hanging from the top of it all the way down.

The room was full of lit aroma candles and had many crystals and a sweet smell in it.

"Right, who's first?" asked Clara as she sat on a chair behind a purple desk with many candles and crystals on it.

"Vic can go." said Alex as she and Victoria sat on the two chairs in front of the table.

"Right, we're doing a palm reading, yes?" asked Clara smiling and Alex nodded. "OK, Victoria, give me your hands, dear."

Victoria nodded as she lifted her hand off her lap and faced them palm-up on the table. Clara took her hands into her own and started tracing the lines on Victoria's hands with her fingers.

"Your career will be very successful, my dear. I can tell that you have already found your purpose in life and I need to say live life to its fullest and enjoy every minute because I can sense something big coming your way and it won't be small, it will change your life either in a good way or bad but from what I can sense I am almost a hundred percent sure it will be good." said Clara. "Some relationships will break yet some will become stronger than ever. I can sense you giving out lots of love to one person and that one person giving it back, that will be one of the relationships that will strengthen. Work on caring for yourself and loving yourself and being more confident in yourself because you're not spending enough time in that are of life."

"Wow." whispered Victoria as Clara cupped her hands under hers.

"You've got good things coming your way in your personal relationships and in your self-love, dear. There will be some setbacks along the way but don't let them stop you from being where you want to be." said Clara and Victoria along with Alex smiled.

"Thank you, that was really amazing." said Victoria and Clara smiled.

"This is why I love doing this. Oh, and one more thing for you dear, don't stop doing what you love." said Clara.

"Thank you." said Victoria.

"No problem. Right, Alex dear, give me your hands." said Clara and Alex nodded, giving Clara her hands.

"I sense something new. I can sense that you've thought you won't get far and will always stay in the shadows. I can sense great, big changes coming your way." started Clara. "Those changes could start today or in a couple of months or even years, just look out for opportunities and don't waste them, take any you get because I can sense a really good opportunity coming your way very, very soon. You have found your soulmate, I can tell, but what I can't tell is if you're already with them or not. I can see that the love of one person gives you very big joy. Don't give up because I know that an opportunity is coming soon that could change your life if only you let it."

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now