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"I SWEAR, ALEXANDRA! IF YOU PUSH ME INTO THAT -" started Thomas as Alex threatened to push him into the water but he didn't get to finish as she did just that.

Alex laughed as Thomas fell into the water, splashing Damiano, Victoria and Ethan who were already in the water.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" he shouted.

"I love you too!" exclaimed Alex as she jumped inside the pool, she had just gotten out of it to push Thomas in.

"I wish I could strangle you." said Thomas as he splashed water on Alex but she ducked under the water before it could reach her.

"I know that you love me!" she said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry but aren't Alex's and Thomas' arguements the most amusing thing ever?" asked Ethan.

"Oh yes." said Victoria giggling.

"You good there, Vic?" asked Alex.

"Check the band's Instagram story," she said. "Thomas, please don't kill me."

Alex quickly reached for her phone that was laying in the grass near and so did the rest.

She went onto Instagram and onto the band's story.

It was a video of Thomas and Alex. More specifically, it was a video of what had just happened.

It started with Alex laughing and threatening to push Thomas into the water, both speaking in Italian, and then Alex pushing him in and Thomas shouting that he hates her in Italian. Alex then replied that she loved him too, in Italian, and then jumped into the water next to him. Then Thomas saying he wish he could strangle Alex and then Alex saying that she knows he loves her.

All throughout which Victoria was laughing behind the camera.

"I know I said I'd stop being so brutal with my words- wait no, Alex said that. OK, I can be brutal. Well, hello Victoria! Listen, honey, if only murder wasn't illegal then you wouldn't be here, bae. Let the Lord protect you from the Satan taking you over." said Thomas, sending Victoria a kiss and everyone started laughing.

"We should play who can make the biggest splash when jumping in the pool." said Ethan.

The rest agreed and so a game of 'spruzzi più grandi' ['bigger splashes'], as they called it, began.

How the game worked was easy, there was a camera recording everyone's jumps and you had to jump into the pool, trying to make the biggest splash when landing in the water.

First up was Ethan as he brought up the idea to play the game. He ran and jumped in the water. His splash was big, at least the biggest so far.

Next was Damiano, he ran and jumped. His splash wasn't bigger than Ethan's giving him second place and Ethan second.

After Damiano was Thomas, he wanted to go third, he ran to the pool and jumped in. His splash was the biggest so far and water splashed the concrete and grass around the pool.

Victoria was next, she ran and jumped inside the pool. Her splash was smaller as it seemed from the recording and she came forth, right after Damiano.

And last, as she wanted, was Alex. She always went last in this game as she thought it was the best to go last as you knew what you had to beat in order to be first, she wasn't wrong though.

She ran and then jumped into the pool, splashing the four that were already in it.

It was obvious she won. As they watched her recording they all announced that she had won.

"I'm not surprised, I am the best at this game." said Alex, flipping her hair dramatically.

The other four instantly started arguing over the fact that she was not the best at this game but stopped when they all heard cars driving up the driveway and the gate to the back garden, where they were, opening.

A/N -


Do any of you know ANYTHING about either of the bandmates parents? If so, please do tell me, I need information on the parents otherwise I'm going to have to make up the parents. 😭

Anyway, sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to give you guys another chapter before tomorrow but I don't have much time so it had to be short and shitty. 😭✌️

Anyway, have an amazing rest of the day. ❤️❤️

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