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"So tell me how it has been going with you and Iris!" exclaimed Alex as her and Victoria entered her bedroom after eating dinner.

"Amazing! I found out that she does like girls! She's bisexual, like me!" said Victoria, excitedly. "Now you tell me what's going on with your love life."

"N - nothing." said Alex as she found her hair interesting suddenly.

"Yeah, right. I can tell, you always play with your hair when you're lying or hiding something," said Victoria, laughing. "Spill."

"Fine, I might like someone." said Alex, sighing in defeat as she sat down on her bed and Victoria jumped on the bed next to her excitedly.

"OK, um. Do I know them?" asked Victoria.

Alex nodded and Victoria asked, "Um, am I close with them?"

"Yes." said Alex.

"Female, Male or other?" asked Victoria, carefully assesing every option.

"As far as I know, male." said Alex.

"Hmm, OK. Um, Ethan!" said Victoria but after recieving a shake from Alex's head she continued. "Tho - What the fuck, he's your brother."

Victoria and Alex looked at eachother and instantly started to burst into a fit of laughter.

After five minutes the two calmed down a little and Victoria carried on talking.

"Uh, Malthe?" she asked, wanting to keep Damiano till last as to not raising suspicion as Alex was very wise and knew something instantly.

"Ew, not that motherfucker who told me women belong in the kitchen. If it wasn't illegal, he'd be in a grave right now."

"I should have known. OK, um," she smirked here. "Damiano."

Alex quickly looked at her hair and laughed nervously.

"Yeah, right." she said, her voice shaking.

"No fucking way! Ha! I knew it, I fucking knew it!" whisper-shouted Victoria. "Oh this amazing!"

"Really, why?" asked Alex, confusion painted on her face.

"Oh, no reason!" said Victoria, smiling innocently.

The next few days, Damiano kept checking his phone every two minutes to see if he had accidently missed a call from Franco, their manager and producer, about the video being finished.

It was two weeks after they finished filming and Damiano was getting worried. Alex kept trying to tell him it was good as they were making the video even better.

She had 'made up' with Malthe just because Victoria asked her but she wasn't as enthusiastic as before and ignored him as often as she could.

The five were eating breakfast and on that Monday morning when Damiano's phone rang. He quickly looked who it was and rapidly answered, all four looking him and the room silent.

"Hey, Franco." said Damiano as he picked on his food nervously, he had put Franco on loud speaker and placed his phone on the table.

"The music video is finished! We had some technical dificulties so we couldn't get it done faster, sorry." said Franco through the phone.

"Oh that's fine. When can we come see it!?" asked Damiano.

"Anytime! You can even be here in three seconds! As soon as you're here we'll watch it and then tell us if you want any improvements but if not then we can release it." said Franco and the five's faces turned into wide smiles.

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