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The morning sun shone through the beige curtains as Alex awoke. Yet something was different. She usually was alone when woke up yet she could feel arms wrapped around her stomach and a head rested against the back of her neck.

She smiled and turned around slowly, not wanting to wake Damiano up.

He looked peaceful, strands of his hair falling onto his forehead as his strong arms were wrapped around Alex. He awoke when he felt Alex move.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." whispered Alex. Damiano looked at Alex and his lips formed into a smile.

"It's fine, darling." said Damiano in his slight morning voice.

Alex smiled at the nickname and said, 'No one ever called me darling before."

"I guess I'm a first," said Damiano, smiling. "I can stop if you don't like it."

"I love it." said Alex as she quickly kissed Damiano's lips.

"I could stay like this all day." said Damiano as he stretched.

"Funny. Because you know we can't. You know our rules, everyone out of bed by eleven unless it's an exception." said Alex as she got out of her bed.

"Rules were meant to be broken. You say it yourself." said Damiano, smirking.

"Well, yes. But, in this case, the rula is actually yours and you don't really want to break your own rule." said Alex laughing.

Damiano just groaned as he got out of Alex's bed.

"Fine, fine," he said. "i'm going to get changed but, I'm coming here straight after."

Alex just nodded as Damiano walked out her room and she went to pick out her clothes.

She chose blue jeans and a normal white vest top. She added a black belt to the mix and left for her bathroom to get her makeup done.

As she was applying her eyeliner, she heard the door to her bedroom open and she heard her name being called.

"In here!" replied Alex.

She turned to door and instantly smiled as she Damiano enter.

"Oh you're applying eyeliner!" exclaimed Damiano, happily.

"Well done! Your eyes work!" said Alex sarcastically.

"Can you put some on me when you're done?" asked Damiano as he stood next to Alex.

"Of course." said Alex as she finished off her eyeliner.

She turned to Damiano and took his chin in her hand.

"Do it like yours, please." he said, extending the 'e' in please.

"Such a child." laughed Alex.

Damiano leaned forward, lowering himself and closed his eyes as he felt the cold brush of the eyeliner on his eye.

Around a minute later, Alex was finished and Damiano could finally look himself in the mirror.

"Damn, I look good." said Damiano.

"I know you do." whispered Alex, Damiano heard this and smirked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that, what did you say?" said Damiano, smugly.

"I said - I said the weather's nice!" said Alex.

"I'm only joking, I heard what you said perfectly well," he said, smirking. "you look good too." he said as he winked at Alex and left the bathroom.

"Actually, more than great! You look incredibly hot!" exclaimed Damiano as he left Alex's room.

She put away everything and also walked out her room.

When she reached the kitchen, it was only Damiano in there.

"Looks like everyone is still asleep." said Damiano.

"Well, lets not waste time. What do you want?" asked Alex as she walked towards the cabinets.

"I can make it if you want." said Damiano.

"Don't worry, I'll do it." said Alex, smiling.

"Thank you." said Damiano as he smiled back and took a juice box out of the fridge and sat at the edge seat of the table, facing Alex.

"I didn't tell you but I'm so honoured to have a song written about me." said Alex, smugly.

"You better write one for me too." joked Damiano.

"I'll sing for you right now." said Alex as she put the toast in the toaster and turned around to face Damiano. She took a rolling pin and pretended that it was a microphone.

She cleared her throat overly loud and started singing terribly off pitch on purpose. "Oh Damiano! You're the love of my life! And I will - "

In the middle, Alex saw Victoria, Thomas and Ethan enter the kitchen all looking at Alex.

"I promise it was a joke." she said as Damiano laughed while holding his straw from his juice box between his lips to cover his laughter.

"I can't believe this thing is my sister," said Thomas as he took a seat opposite from a laughing Damiano. "And I can't believe you're dating her."

Alex walked up to middle where Thomas and Damiano sat.

"This," she slapped the back of Thomas's head. "is for calling me a thing. And this," she slapped the back of Damiano's head. "is for laughing."

The two men held their head as Ethan and Victoria laughed.

"Poor souls." said Victoria.

"They won't have any as I'll rip them out if they decide to do something stupid again." joked Alex, making the others laugh.

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