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"Can I braid your hair now?" whispered Alex as the movie was nearing the end. She lifted her head from Damiano's chest to look at him.

"If you want then of course." he said and Alex smiled widely as she made him stand up.

"You sit here, I can't do it otherwise." she pointed to the front of the bed.

Damiano sat on the floor with his back against the bed frame and Alex went to sit on the bed.

She divided his hair into two parts and tied one part and left the other.

She went to get her hairbrush and two hairbands. She came back and sat on the bed and started brushing out Damiano's hair as he watched the movie.

"You really need to get yourself a hairbrush. Fingers don't work, my dear." said Alex..

"I think we know one thing they do work for, you." said Damiano, smirking.

"You're lucky it's only us two in here or you'd be dead by dawn." whispered Alex into Damiano's ear.

Damiano just smirked, looking Alex in the mirror as she focused on braiding his hair.

She finished one side of the braid and then went on to do the other. She soon finished and Damiano had two dutch braids made with his hair.

"I need a picture for the future!" said Alex, getting her phone.

She took her phone and took a photo of the mirror in the corner of the room. The photo caught Damiano and her, him putting his middle finger up and her lifting on of the braids up.

She put the photo on her story but also saved it for later. Damiano reposted the photo on his story.

"It looks good, you should put it like this more often." said Alex as Damiano looked himself in the mirror.

"Only if you do it." said Damiano.

"Ooh! My pleasure!" exclaimed Alex excitedly.

"Sure is." said Damiano smugly, winking at Alex in the mirror.

Alex just rolled her eyes, pushing the back of Damiano's head foward as he laughed.

"Hey! Watch out, will you?" asked Damiano jokingly as he patted his head to make sure it still looked good.

"Or what?" asked Alex, getting off the bed and standing up in front of Damiano. "You can't do anything to me if you can't catch me."

"No one said I won't." and without warning he stood up to catch Alex.

She started running around the hotel room. Into the living room, to the bathroom and back to their bedroom.

"You can't catch me." said Alex, laughing as she ran into the living room again.

"Oh, I can." said Damiano and he ran up to her.

He picked Alex up and put her over his shoulder, holding his legs as her head was on his back.

"No, no!" exclaimed Alex laughed.

He took her to the bed and threw her down, starting to tickle her.

She started wiggling her legs and laughing.

"No, please. I'm sorry." she said in between laughs.

Damiano stopped tickling her and said as he hung above her, "sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"I - I said I'm sorry." said Alex, taking deep breaths.

"Hmm," he pretended to think. "Apology accepted."

He then leaned down and kissed Alex on her lips.

He got off Alex whilst she was still trying to catch her breath from all the laughing.

"You notherfucker," said Alex, still laughing. "I can't stop now."

She kept laughing as she put her head in her hands and took deep breaths. Eventually she stopped but when she looked up she saw Damiano smirking at her and started again.

"I think I'm going to die today." she said.

"Bit too early for that, my darling." said Damiano.

"You're right. Well, I'm going to go take a bath." said Alex as she got off the bed.

She walked inside the bathroom with her nightdress in hand and started filling the bathtub with water and bubble soap for bubbles.

Eventually, the water filled up the big bathtub and bubbles covered the whole thing, unable to see the water.

She went in and let her body relax inside the hot water. She closed her eyes and let her imagination take her away.

Only seconds later she heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" asked Damiano's voice from outside the bathroom door.

"Yes, you can," said Alex and she saw the doorknob move and when Damiano entered she said, "You don't need to ask."

"I wanted to just in case you didn't want me to enter." he said. "Can I join you?"

"Come on." said Alex as she made space for Damiano on the opposite side of the bath.

He smiled and took his clothes off and entered the bathtub.

Alex smirked as she took bubbles in her hand and blew in Damiano's face.

"Oh you did not!" he exclaimed.

"I did." laughed Alex as Damiano took some bubbles too and blew it in Alex's face.

This started a bubble fight and made the whole floor surrounding the bathtub wet.

They eventually got out of the bathroom and went into bed to sleep.

Alex went under the warm covers and turned off the light on her nightstand and so did Damiano.

Once the lights were off, Damiano wrapped his hands around Alex's waist pulling her close to him as he whispered in her ear.

"Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, Dami."

He felt Alex wrap her hands around his arms that were on her waist hugging them to her.

He always waited for Alex to fall asleep before he did himself. He guessed Alex fell asleep as her breathing calmed down.

"I can't believe how lucky I have gotten. You mean so much to me, darling. I'll never let you go, you mean too much to me. Sweet dreams." he whispered softly like he did everynight knowing that Alex would not wake up because he said things like this every night and she had never woken up.

Little did he know that Alex hadn't yet fallen asleep and was still awake. She smiled lightly to herself as it wasn't the first time she had heard Damiano say these sweet things to her after he thought she had fallen asleep.

She knew she had found her soulmate.

i might not update everyday and as often because my mental health and general happiness along with emotions have been a little low lately so i'm working on that.

i will try to update as much as i can but i can't say anything for the shit chapters lately. i just have not been bothered or motivated to do anything.

have a great evening though! ❤️

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