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The next day went by fast as before the five knew it, it was evening and they were sitting at a club celebrating the release of their music video 'I Wanna Be Your Slave' which was to come out the next day.

They sat at a table away from the public view of people just enjoying each other's company, the music and the drinks.

"You couldn't even if you wanted." said Alex.

"Of course I could hit a high note!" exclaimed Victoria.

Everyone was very drunk except Alex and Ethan who stuck to a couple glasses of champagne whilst the other three had lots of shots. Thomas was almost falling asleep on his seat, Victoria kept trying to hit extremely high notes wanting to break Ethan's and Alex's champagne bottle and Damiano kept helping Victoria hit those notes giving her tips as he kept laughing.

"I think that - that Ethan is beautiful." said Thomas drunkenly, as his head shot up and he was awake all of a sudden.

"You're so drunk, dude." said Ethan as he shook his head.

"Thomas, my dude! You're awake!" exclaimed a really drunk Victoria.

"He is!" exclaimed an also drunk Damiano.

"I think we're going to have to get going soon before they drink all the alcohol this place has." whispered Alex jokingly to Ethan over the loud music and he laughed.

"Or before they completely go out of their mind." replied Ethan and both him and Alex laughed.

"Any more drinks?" asked a waitress that had come up to their table.

Thomas, Victoria and Damiano started exclaiming yes but Alex said, "no, thank you. They're drunk already, we'll be going soon. Can we pay now?"

The waitress nodded and said that she would be back with their reciept.

"Alex, if you think I'm going to let you pay for this you are one crazy woman. Put that money away, I'll pay for everything." said Ethan as he took the money out of her hand and put it back into her pocket.

"You're joking, it's going to cost at least fifty euros taking all the drinks they've had and the bottle of champagne." said Alex.

"Baby, I'm a rockstar. I've got the money." said Ethan, winking as the waitress was seen coming towards them.

"Sixty-three euros and fifty-two cents, please." said the waitress and Ethan gave the waitress the money as Damiano, Thomas and Victoria were already stood up singing along to the loud music in the bar. "Thank you, we look forward to seeing you next time."

The two thanked the waitress as she left and then turned to look at the three who were still singing along loudly with everyone else.

"Well, they'll go to the back seats for sure." said Ethan as him and Alex got up.

"Definitely, you take Vic and Thomas by the hand and I'll take Damiano and we'll somehow lead them to the car." said Alex and Ethan nodded.

"No! I don't want to leave! I'll tell mum off you!" exclaimed Thomas.

"We have to." said Ethan.

"I want to stay!" exclaimed both Victoria and Damiano.

"I guess we'll be playing parents for the next couple of hours, Edgar." said Alex and Ethan laughed.

They got everyone into the car and then they both went to sit at the front.

Ethan started the car and go tout of the parking space.

"Oh, yeah, Leo is going to meet us in Berlin. He's finally finished his holiday." said Alex as Damiano, Thomas and Victoria were shouting at the passing cars in the highway with the windows down so the cold wind blew into the car.

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