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i tried but it didn't work out to be fully smut so it's kind smut but with not as much detail and more of a . . . summary, kind off?

it's not really smut but the beginning it is like a kind of summary of what had happened the night before and the rest is the day after but i still hope you enjoy. ❤️

Their bodies interwined together that night as Damiano placed butterfly kisses all down Alex's bare body.

From the neck, sucking in just the right places, making Alex feel like heaven had been brough down to her all the way to her stomach where the butterflies raged more than ever before.

Damiano was careful as it was only their first time together but it still made Alex feel like she was a Queen in the King's teritory which only she was allowed in.

Words couldn't explain what had happened that night. Passion, lust, pleasure and love was all that filled the night besides the moans of both.

Alex's moans were like a melody to Damiano whilst Damiano's were something that fulfilled Alex.

Pleasure filled them both as the moon rised higher in the dark sky hitting both bodies, making the atmosphere so much more perfect.

The night ended in both figures out of breath but feeling more fulfilled than ever before.

That was perfect for their first time and both couldn't wait to explore more of the other's body.

The lonely pink sun shone through the windows straight at Alex's eyes. She opened her eyes and looked down to see Damiano's strong hands wrapped around her bare waist.

She turned her head to see Damiano sleeping peacefully behind her, different from the side of him she had found yesterday.

Memories from the night before came flashing back to Alex like water into an ocean.

The kisses full passion, the room full of moonlight, and the degrading phrases.

This was a side she had expected Damiano to have but was still shocked when she looked back. She was extremely turned on by that side of him and she wanted to see it again soon. But, time will pass and the longing will grow stronger but when it arrives Alex will feel indescribable again.

She soon fell into a sleep again as she dreamed of what happened the previous night.

Alex awoke as she felt someone playing with her hair.

She opened her eyes, the sun was now fully up in the sky and back to its usual bright colour.

She turned around to see Damiano smiling at her.

"Morning, love." said Damiano as he kissed Alex quickly on her lips.

"Good morning." said Alex as she tried to shield her eyes from the strong sun.

"You know, I just found a side of you I actually expected you to have but it still shocked me." said Alex and Damiano laughed.

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