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"Can you button up my dress up?" asked Alex as she walked out of the bathroom in mine and her's hotel room in Paris.

In all the other cities it was Vic and Alex that shared a room, me and Leo and Thomas and Ethan but this time we had decided for Vic and Leo to share, me and Alex and Ethan and Thomas stay the same since they like sharing a room.

We had finished the concert around two hours ago and I was taking Alex out on a late-night date around Paris, the city of love.

She had a beautiful, long white dress on with long, puffy sleeves and white sandals and white eyeliner to match along with bright red lipstick on her lips

I don't remember the last time I saw her in a dress and any eye makeup colour that wasn't black. She looked like an actual angel.

"O - of course." I said, standing up from where I lay on our bed. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." she replied, I could feel her smiling.

She moved her hair to the side and I buttoned up the two buttons on the back of her dress.

"Thank you, again." she said, turning around quickly kissing me before walking up to her jewellry hanger and taking the necklace I gave her a couple weeks back.

She stood in front of the mirror and tried to clip the necklace but she couldn't so I took it from her.

"Can I?" I asked whilst looking at her in the mirror.

"Yes, please." she answered and I smiled.

She held her hair up and I put the little chain around her neck, clipping it together in the back. My fingers lightly grazed her skin as I let them fall to my side.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Sure am. Take me away, my prince on a white horse!" she exclaimed and we both laughed.

The others had gone out clubbing but we wanted to have a date since we don't have much time for that because of everything that had happened with my music career recently.

We walked out of the room, locking it behind us and we walked down to the ground floor and walked out the hotel to the busy streets of Paris.

"Are we calling this a date?" asked Alex as we walked down an empty side road, holding hands.

"How about we call it 'late night date in the city of love'?" I asked, smirking down at her.

"I'm down." she said, smiling back. I love that smile, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Right after her, obviously.

"Well then late night date in the city of love it is." I said and we laughed.

We went to a very nice-looking restaurant and got ourselves a table outside.

"I've always wanted to live in Paris when I was smaller. I even thought about just running away, I didn't have anyone then because Thomas was distant." said Alex.

"Oh, yeah, I realised that I never said this but, um, I'm sorry," I said but after seeing Alex's confused face I carried on to say, "You know, for taking Thomas away when we were younger. I don't think any of us realized what we were doing because we were never as close to our siblings as you two were. I know that we probably caused you pain and I just want to say I'm sorry."

"Oh, Dami," she said, putting her hands over mine that were placed on the table. "That is a pathetic thing to apologize for. One, that was years ago and, two, how could you know?"

"I still had to get it off my chest." I said.

We talked and laughed l, seated at our table, until the waitress gave us our food.

"Voici vos repas, bon appétit!" said the waitress, cheerfully. [Here are your meals, enjoy!"]

Thank Goodness Alex knew how to speak French because all I knew was 'bonjour' and 'merci' and a couple more words I remember from the dernière danse cover we did when we were first starting as a band.

"Merci." I said in poor French and Alex laughed at me.

"Merci, ça a l'air super." said Alex, smiling at the waitress. [Thank you, that looks great.]

"J'espère qu'il a bon goût aussi!" exclaimed the waitress and both her Alex laughed and then she walked away. [I hope it tastes good too!]

"You speaking French is so sexy. I think I'm turned on." I said.

"Well, you're going to have to keep it in your pants until we get to the hotel room, David." she whispered, winking as leaned closer to me across the round wooden table whilst speaking and then going back and drinking her ice water like nothing happened, leaving me in shock.


cannot believe it's the 70th chapter! only five left to go... :c

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now