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The sun awoke Alex. She felt strong arms around her waist and a warm breath on her neck.

She tried turning around but she was scared to wake Damiano. She soon felt the arms lift and when she turned around she saw a big shock.

Instead of Damiano, she saw Alessio. A large smirk on his lips.

"Missed me, princess?" he asked, his discusting voice filling the room.

"Why - how - what are you doing here?!" exclaimed Alex as she sat up on the bed.

"Oh please. The little bastard was too easy to scare. One punch and he ran away like a cat from water." said Alessio, his smirk becoming bigger by the second.

"No, no. This is all just a bad dream. It can't be real." Alex repeated to herself.

"Why? Is it because I'm so surreal?" asked Alessio.

He started moving towards Alex and he was so close to touching his lips with hers.

"No, no. Please, no." said Alex.

She felt someone shaking her and she gasped for air as she sat up. The room was dark and she heard a concerned voice whispering.

"Are you alright, Alex?" asked someone.

His voice was gentle and familiar. She turned her head to see Damiano. He was holding onto her hand and he had concern painted on his face.

"You're here." said Alex, relieved as she hugged him tightly.

"Of course I'm here," said Damiano as he held onto Alex tightly. 'Now tell me what happened. I woke up hearing you murmer things under your breath and then you started tossing and turning whilst your breath sped up and I just had to wake you up."

Alex pulled away from Damiano and started explaining the nightmare to him.

Once she was finished, Damiano took Alex in his arms and kissed the top of her head as she quietly cryed into his bare chest.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you. I'll be fighting for you even if it means giving up everything I have." said Damiano and Alex felt an extreme warmth in her body fill her up.

She pulled away from Damiano and looked him in the eyes, smiling. Damiano smiled back and he wiped the tears under Alex's eyes and her cheeks.

"I love you, Alexandra. I will never ever leave you until death parts us and, even then, I'll always be there." said Damiano.

Alex smiled wider than ever as she said, "I've always been scared to fall in love but with you I feel safe. I love you too, Dam."

Damiano smiled back and kissed Alex passionately on the lips. They pulled apart after a while and he whispered in her ear, "I'll never leave your side love. With me you're safe."

Alex smiled at those words as she looked into Damiano's eyes she looked at the time, curiously and then turned around again.

"It's two, lets get to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you." she said.

"Darling, you have nothing to be sorry about. Just know you're safe and if that bitch Alessio ever comes near you again I will beat the absolute shit out of him."

Alex chuckled and said, "might as well kill him whilst your at it. At least we're sure to get rid of the beast."

"Might as well."

Alex and Damiano lay down again and Damiano wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. He rested his head against her back and Alex smiled.

He whispered one last thing before falling asleep, "I won't let anyone hurt you. Not today, not tomorrow and not in a hundred years. I'll keep you safe, my love, I can't afford loosing you."

With that Alex smiled which Damiano could see and she peacefully closed her eyes.

The next morning she opened her eyes as she felt hands tracing the tattoo she had on the back of her shoulder.

She turned around and saw Damiano, he was smiling at her.

"Good morning." he said in his morning voice.

"Good morning indeed." answered Alex.

The two lay in bed for a bit longer but then got ready and went down for breakfast.

No one was there so the two in peace talking about everything in general.

"What songs are you performing?" asked Alex as she ate her cereal.

"Oh, um, Zitti E Buoni, Close to the top, Coraline and," here he looked Alex in the eyes, smiling slightly. "For Your Love."

Alex blushed slightly and looked down at her cereal.

"Awh, am I making you blush?" said Damiano, smirking smugly.

"Yes, you self-obsessed bastard." said Alex, laughing.

The band spent the whole day rehearsing for their gig later and Alex spent the whole day painting.

Finally, the evening arrived and the band performed all their songs perfectly except one. It was nearing half past eleven and the band were making their way onto the stage for their last song of the night. Alex was sat at a table in the audience to have a better view on their stage.

The audience sitting at their tables went absolutely crazy when Måneskin walked onto the lit up stage.

"And now, for the last and most important song of the night, For Your Love." said Damiano and the crowd went wild as music from Thomas and Victoria filled the room.

Damiano's eyes landed on Alex and he smiled. She smiled back as he started singing.

I wanna be the first man you look at tonight
I wanna be stuck in your head and make you go wild
I wanna drive you 'til the morning light and
I wanna leave you alone in the middle of the night
I wanna be a good man and see you smile.

Here Damiano smirked as he looked Alex up and down and sang,

And I wanna swim between your thighs
I wanna fuck you till you scream and cry.

He sang the rest of the song, his eyes not leaving Alex's even a second.

Once they were done, the crowd errupted into a loud applause and Alex smiled.

"THANK YOU, ROME. REMEMBER BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO DO SO. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT AND DON'T FORGET ROCK 'N' ROLL NEVER DIES!" shouted Damiano over the applause as it only got louder after the last statement. People were heard shouting out of joy and whistling.

Rock 'n' roll really never will die.

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