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"We're here!" exclaimed Alex as she opened the door to her and Thomas' childhood home.

Trixie, the dog Thomas and Alex got their parents for their twentieth wedding anniversary five years ago, came running to them and started jumping all over their legs.

Alex kneeled down and started playing with the dog whilst she kept licking her face. The Australian Shepherd kept barking happily at the two and soon Thomas also knelt down to pet the dog whose front paws were on Alex's shoulders as she kept licking Alex's face.

The dog then went to Thomas and started licking him all over the face whilst Alex took her shoes off.

"We? Oh, Thomas! You came!" said Alessandra, their mother, as she walked into the corridor.

"Yes, that's why Alex moved to come later, so that I could come and also so that she could be there for the premiere for the music video." said Thomas as he went forward to hug his mother.

"Me and you father watched the premiere! It was a really good music video." said Alessandra, smiling widely.

"I saw Damiano kissing Ethan, though! Did you like break up or something?" shouted Andrea, their father from the living room.

"It was just for the music video, dad!" shouted back Alex.

"Good, good because he was going to get seriously hurt if he did something to hurt my little girl." said Andrea.

"Trust me, dad," said Alex as she walked into the living room to her father. "Damiano would never do anything to hurt me."

"He loves her too much." said Thomas, raising his eyebrows at the word 'too'.

"You shut up before you say something completely irrelevant and just make yourself lonely." said Alex, pointing a warning finger at him as she walked past him, making her way to the kitchen.

"I am not lonely! I have Aurora!" exclaimed Thomas following Alex to the kitchen.

"yeah right, you've known each other for weeks and you've only taken her out on a date once to that coffee place back in Sardinia." said Alex.

"Well, jokes on you, we've been going out just not on dates and her birthday is next week and I plan to take her out and tell her how I feel." said Thomas.

"Oh, now poor Ethan is going to be the only one who's single." said Alex, sadly.

"What? Who's Aurora?" asked Alessandra.

"A girl that Thomas is interested in." said Alex, smirking.

"When we went to Sardinia, grandma and grandad had these friends who had a grandaughter which happened to live in Rome and actually be a fan of Måneskin since our first performance in X-Factor Italia and I happen to really like her so we're friends but I hope for that to change, in a good way of course." said Thomas.

"Oh, my children are growing up so fast!" exclaimed Alessandra as she went to hug both her children.

"Who are the guests?" asked Alex once her mother pulled away.

"Oh, you remember your cousin Sisino? Yeah, well, he's coming over with his parents and fiancée." said Alessandra.

"I haven't seen him in years!" exclaimed Thomas the same time Alex exclaimed, "He has a fiancée?"

"Yes, he does, did you not know? He met her in England where he moved to. I think her name is Fiona, I haven't met her yet though." said Thomas.

"She must be deaf to marry him, his voice is the most annoying thing ever. Or at least it was the last I saw him, but it was when he was twelve so it must have changed." said Alex.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now