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"She was the hottest person I've seen!" said Victoria as her and Alex walked into the house.

The sun was shining brightly and it was just nearing one in the afternoon.

The two girls got hungry for lunch so they decided to come back home. But as they were walking home a girl came up to them saying that she had just recently moved here and that she was lost, she asked if they knew which way to the pet shop around the corner and Alex had to tell her all the directions as Victoria was absolutely dumbstruck and wordless. Before leaving, the girl told Victoria that she loved Måneskin's music and that she hopes to meet them all one day.

Alex could see that Victoria was astonished by the girl's beauty, she was really pretty. None of them knew her name but Victoria was sure that their ways would meet again, she just had to be patient.

The two girls walked into the house and after hearing it was silent, they thought it was empty and that the boys had gone out.

They went to their rooms to change into more comfortable clothes.

Alex went to her room. It had beige walls and painting with black accents standing out. Everything was colour coordinated, just how she liked it.

She walked over to her wardrobe and picked out some good clothing.

She decides to wear black jean shorts and a beige button-up shirt. She brushed out her hair and walked out of her room.

She walked into Victoria's room and saw her sitting on her bed, deep in her thoughts. She hadn't even touched her clothes.

"Earth to Victoria?" asked Alex, laughing.

Victoria jumped and returned back to reality. "Woah. Never do that again."

"You were thinking about the 'mysterious girl', weren't you?" asked Alex.

"Maybe." said Victoria, blushing slightly.

"Well then go find her!" said Alex.

"B - but she could be anywhere!" exclaimed Victoria.

"Well, the pet shop is huge. It'll take her some time. Now go, before she reaches her house again!" said Alex and Victoria quickly stood up from the bed and pecked Alex's lips in a friendly manner and walked off muttering under her breath that she'll be fine.

"I'll see you later, Alex!" she shouted, already walking out of her room.

"Yes, Vic. Now go, you motherfucker!" said Alex, laughing.

Once Victoria left, Alex walked to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

She sat up on the table in the middle, facing away from the door, and drank her water as she looked out on the garden.

"What just happened?" asked Damiano as he walked into the kitchen.

"Shit!" exclaimed Alex as she jumped off the table. "You fucking idiot."

"Did I scare you, babygirl?" said Damiano jokingly in an extra deep and low voice as he looked at Alex.

A couple months back, Damiano and Alex were walking to get some dog food for Chili when a man had scared his girfriend probably and he said to her seriously 'did I scare you, baby girl?' and since then it had been an inside joke between Damiano and Alex.

"Yes, you pervert," said Alex, laughing. "I didn't think anyone was home."

"Well, Thomas and Ethan went out but I didn't feel like it so I stayed." said Damiano, as he walked up to her and took her glass and drank one sip of her water and then handing the glass back to her. She then also took a drink and finished the water, putting the glass into the almost filled dishwasher.

"Where did Victoria go?" asked Damiano as he and Alex walked out to the garden.

"Long story short, when we were coming back we met this girl and she was like really, really pretty and Victoria got mesmerized by her and now she went to find her." said Alex.

"But how is she going to find her?" asked Damiano as the two sat on two wooden garden chairs underneath a big tree and a table in front of them.

"Well, the girl asked which way to the pet shop so I hope she'll still be there or on her way back when Vic reaches her." said Alex as she took a cigarette and lit it.

She inhaled, warm air filling her lungs as the light breeze hit her face. At that moment Damiano thought she looked mesmerizing.

Damiano looked away as soon as he saw that Alex was about to turn her head his way.

They sat in a comfortable silence, Alex observing Damiano's features and Damiano thinking about her features.

She realised how good he looked. Just black jeans and a white crop top showing off his tattoos. She saw how his lips formed into a small smile as he looked like he thought of someone or something that gave him joy.

Someone. Something inside Alex changed because as soon as her brain though about someone that made him happy she felt this weird pain in her heart.

For the past couple weeks she had been experiencing these sort of pains when she thought about Damiano with someone else.

What was it? It was on her mind everyday when trying to get sleep.

She saw his hazel eyes almost shine as his lips grew into a bigger smile.

The pain was unbearable. It wasn't physical pain but emotional.

Soon, realisation hit her. How could she had been so blind and daft!?

She hated to admit it but, she had fallen for Damiano.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now