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I woke up with the sun hitting my face because we had forgotten to draw the curtains the night earlier.

Talking about last night, I had no idea Alex had this side. Now, of course, she's hot on a daily basis but her last night was another level of hot. She always looks so innocent but, when she's in bed, she knows what's she's doing and she does it well.

Shame on Alessio for losing such an amazing girlfriend who's not only smart and hot but also extremely good in bed. I've hooked up with many, many women in the past who liked to take the lead but Alex was better than them all combined.

I felt Alex move next to me and then she opened her eyes. 

"My mother is the sun bright." she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, devil." I said, smirking at her. She turned her head with her hand shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Morning." she answered, kissing me quickly. "Why do you always throw the clothes so far away?" she whined, getting up from the bed for her bra and underwear.

"So that I can see you naked longer." I said, winking.

"Well, jokes on you, I won't be passing you your trousers." she said, dressing up and taking clothes to wear. "I'm going to shower."

After we got ready, we went down to eat breakfast so that we would have plenty of energy to move Alex's things from her room and everything else from my that I put into hers before we left for the tour so that Bob and his team could freely renovate the room.

"Good morning!" exclaimed Victoria who was making breakfast. She turned around and had a moustache drawn right above her upper lip and a beard on her chin. I and Alex hard not to laugh whilst we looked around at the three boys who sat at the table who were silently laughing whilst waiting for their porridge.

"Vic! You look... very pretty today." said Alex, taking a seat in her normal seat.

"Oh thank you! I haven't actually had time to look myself in the mirror because these three dummies woke me up, rushing me to make breakfast." said Victoria.

"Well, that explains it." said Damiano making us all give up trying and just laugh.

"What? Why are we laughing?" asked Victoria.

"I'm sorry, guys, but I have to. It's our pact. Vic, the boys drew a moustache and a beard on your face." said Alex, standing up and putting her hand on Victoria shoulder whilst we all groaned. "I'm sorry! It's rule number four; always tell the other if they have a prank being pulled or about to be pulled on them. Besides, she'd find out sooner or later."

"Oh, you!" exclaimed Victoria, running to the mirror that's hung just outside the kitchen.

"What are you? Nine-year-olds?" asked Alex, laughing.

"You can't complain, it worked." said Ethan.

"She's going to get back at you, I remember, before we even moved to this house and me and Vic lived together, I played one little joke on her and then it evolved to a whole prank war." said Alex, finishing the porridge that Victoria started making.

And that did happen. When Victoria was passing Thomas, Ethan and Leo their porridge, instead of sugar she put salt into their porridge and they all spit it out. Her and Alex high-fived.

"Great idea." said Victoria.

"Told you it'd work, it always worked on Thomas when we were kids." she said, smirking at Thomas.

"One time she put into a smoothie I already hated and our mother didn't know and she said I had to drink it because she thought I wasn't drinking it because I hated it, which was one of the reasons." said Thomas, who was washing out his mouth under the running tap water.

After breakfast, we went to Alex's room to first get our clothes and also pick out any that were too small for us or we knew we wouldn't wear again. We put the rest into drawers and shelves of our closet. We then put in any other things in the places that they worked best in like we put Alex's guitars and hung them on the wall in the corner of our bedroom. We then got everything from the bathroom and put them in.

"It's getting late, love, how about we finish off tomorrow? We've done the main things already." I asked when I saw her still working on the bathroom.

"Can we get paintings and decorations tomorrow?" she asked.

"We can get decorations but how about you paint the paintings?" I said and she smiled.

"I can?" she asked and I brought her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on her head.

"Of course you can."

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now