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it's only one word but i still would rather put a warning for anyone who needs it. ❤️

"I fucking hate that we have to wake up so early. I mean, two? Not cool." said Alex as she got in bed next to Damiano who was checking the tickets one last time on his phone.

"If we want to be there on time for our plane, you're to have to." said Damiano, putting his phone on the nightstand and turning to face Alex.

"I guess." she replied.

"Come on, Alex, time to wake up." said Damiano as he shook Alex awake.

"What time is it?" asked Alex, rubbing her eyes.

"Two thirty, love." replied Damiano.

"Fine." she said, getting out of the bed.

"I've already made breakfast. Here," said Damiano sitting down next to Alex on the bed and giving her a sandwich and himself one too. "I made sure there's no cheese in it, and in the ones for the journey."

Alex smiled and thanked him, taking the sandwich from him.

The two ate whilst talking about their holiday and then they had to get their bags in the car without waking anyone up.

"Oh, yeah, hit the stairs even more!" whisper-shouted Alex sarcastically.

"I'm sorry!" whispered Damiano.

They brought the two suitcases down and packed them in the back of the car. They switched off any sockets in Alex's room and unplugged any lamps and lights. They checked if they had everything; passports, Damiano's driving license, the tickets and anything else they needed and then closed the door behind them.

Walking out to the car, Alex took two orange juice boxes and ran to catch up with Damiano. They got in the car and Damiano started retreating from the house. He put his hand on the back of Alex's seat, looking backwards to see where he was driving to avoid any crashes, and then he straightened up the car on the road and started driving foward towards Rome Fumincino airport.

It was around ten past three and the road was empty except from them. The band and Alex lived on the outer side of Rome so they had to drive ten minutes to get to Rome.

"So we started walking, right? And then this American woman comes up to us and asks, in English, if we know which way to Madrid, when we are in Rome. We tell her we're not in spain and she goes like "Oh, but I bought a ticket to Rome and Rome is in Spain so I thought I could get from there to Madrid. I must have got on the wrong plane!" She starts walking away and then me and Thomas are just there like 'what had just happened?' we started laughing but that woman was seriously crazy." explained Alex, as Damiano laughed.

Alex was telling Damiano a story from when her and Thomas were fourteen and they were just walking home from school and a lady came up to them asking where Madrid was eventhough they were in Italy and not Spain.

"People can be such idiots." said Damiano.

"Ethan always says that." Alex pointed out.

"We can all learn something from our dear Edgar." laughed Damiano.

The airport was pretty much empty as it was very early in the morning. Alex and Damiano reached their gate quite fast as the airport was almost empty and much less lively than at daytime. People were already sat waiting for their planes, not caring about anyone else.

Damiano and Alex sat on one of the seats and Alex rested her head on Damiano's shoulder, closing her eyes as they still a little over an hour till their departure. She was asleep within minutes and Damiano chuckled. He went on his phone and took a photo of Alex sleeping and put it on his Instagram story writing 'Lets hope she doesn't murder me when she wakes up.' in English.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now