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"That was amazing! Everyone loved you when you were up there." said Alex as she hugged the four backstage.

"It's good that you came. You're like our lucky charm." said Victoria, hugging Alex.

"Our performances are always best when you're there." said Damiano smiling.

"Oh stop it. I know." joked Alex and all five laughed.

"Anyone staying? These performances go till five in the morning, there are some comedians coming later!" said Victoria.

"I'll stay, I don't feel like going home just yet." said Thomas and Ethan agreed.

"I would stay if only I hadn't had left my painting for tomorrow out in the garden to dry. The weather says it's meant to start raining heavily in half an hour. If it gets wet, it'll be ruined." said Alex as she was putting her coat on.

"I'll come with you." said Damiano.

They had come in two seperate cars so that they could fit all their instruments.

"You don't have too." said Alex. "I'm fine walking."

"Alex, I won't let you walk alone in the streets of Rome this late at night. I wouldn't forgive myself for being so selfish if something happened to you." said Damiano. "We'll go by car."

Alex sighed, giving up. She knew she didn't have a chance to win against Damiano.

The two took Ethan's drums and put them in the back of the car since Damiano's car was the biggest and said goodbye to the other three and set on the journey home.

They talked about the performance and the crowd. Soon, they reached home just in time for it to start raining.

"Shit, my painting!" exclaimed Alex and she quickly got out of the car and went to unlock the front door.

She ran through the house, unlocking the garden door and took her painting in just before it started to rain more heavily.

"Oh thank Goodness." she said as only a couple droplets of water landed on the painting as it had only rained lightly.

Alex stood in front of the mirror as she took the clips out of her hair that kept it together.

The room was pretty dim with only one lamp on that didn't give too much light.

Damiano went to stand behind her and placed his hands on her waist and his chin on her left shoulder.

He started placing butterfly kisses from her neck down to her collarbone.

"Damiano - " Alex gasped.

"Yes, love?" he said as he looked Alex in the mirror.

"If you want to turn me on, you sure are on the right track." said Alex.

"Who's to say I don't want to?" asked Damiano and he took Alex's chin in one hand, making her face him, and placed his lips harshly against hers.

She turned her body to face him and he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked to the bed and placed her down.

He climbed on top of her and joint their lips into one again.

They were breathing the same air fuelling eachother with their love like a plant fuelled itself with sunlight in order to survive.

The room filled with their groans and moans, music to both their ears.

Alex started taking Damiano's shirt off and Damiano helped her without breaking the kiss between them.

Once Damiano's shirt was off, he started unbuttoning Alex's as he kissed her again and again, their tongues dancing together.

Once it was off, he smirked and threw the shirt into the other side of the room. He started pressing butterfly kisses all the way from her lips, down her neck and across her chest.

He took Alex's pants off and looked her up and down with love in his eyes. He then looked up to Alex's eyes and said, "are you sure this is what you want?"

Alex hummed and nodded her head yet it wasn't enough for Damiano.

"Like I said last time, I need words, Alexandra. I won't go any further without your permission." said Damiano.

"Yes, Damiano. I'm sure I want this." she answered.

And, without letting Alex say another word, he pressed his lips into hers again and his tongue in her mouth.

His finger moved Alex's underwear to the side, his finger gently brushing against her clit as Alex gasped and he entered with one finger. As soon as he saw Alex was ready he entered with another finger making Alex moan louder.

Alex moved her hands to take Damiano's belt off and he helped her take his trousers off. He knew Alex was ready when she started playing with the hem of his boxers.

He let Alex take them off and then he slowly entered Alex but this time not with his fingers.

They both moaned as their heartbeats sped, both playing the same rhythm as the other.

Damiano started rocking back and forth, getting Alex used to him.

Once they finished, Damiano collapsed on Alex and smiled.

"I love you so much." their bodies joined together into one as they both breathed heavily.

"I love you too, Damiano." said Alex.

Damiano lifted himself off Alex, they both decided to shower together and Damiano had been extra careful with Alex to not hurt her.

They both fell asleep side by side breathing the same air.

i don't know how to feel about this chapter. i can't tell if i wrote it well or not.


also, let me know what you think of this chapter besties because i don't know how to feel. i can't tell if i love it or absolutely hate the shit out of it.

next chapter will hopefully be cute, my dears, i hope to get it out tonight but no promises. :)

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