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"Come on, you slow coaches." exclaimed both Alex and Thomas from the front.

"I don't want to walk!" shouted Victoria, tiredly.

"Well too bad, you're going to have to because no one is going to carry you!" Alex turned to face Victoria.

They had just landed in Berlin for the start of Måneskin's tour and, sadly, the driver couldn't get into the airport because of traffic so the band, Alex and Franco had to walk out of the airport grounds and then to the other side of the road to get to the driver.

"Oh, come on, Alex! Just this one time carry me." said Victoria, making puppy eyes.

"Not with those eyes! You know they always fucking break me. Come on then but just this once!" said Alex. 

"Thank you! You're the best best friend anyone could have!" exclaimed Victoria, jumping on Alex's back.

"Girls." said Damiano, Thomas and Ethan, rolling their eyes dramatically.

"Don't you get all smug, we saw Ethan carrying Thomas the other day!" said Victoria, her and Alex sticking out their tongue as they started walking again.

"That was not me and Thomas! That was Ethanna and Thomasa! Our twin sisters who happen to look exactly like us!" exclaimed Ethan.

"Exactly!" agreed Thomas loudly as Damiano slapped his forehead with his hand.

"Yeah, right. Me and Thomas don't have any other siblings and I know you don't have a twin, Edgar." said Alex, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry that they've kept this away from you for so long," said Thomas putting his hand on his heart, looking at Alex. "but I'm afraid we do have another sibling named Thomasa and she is my twin sister. We were separated at birth and we found each other only last year."

"Have fun in joke land!" exclaimed Alex.

"Alright, kids, enough jokes, paparazzi." said Franco who walked in front of the five.

"Don't you just hate when the paparazzi watch you every step? Last time I and Damiano went out in public on a date, they just stood there watching us eat, it's creepy." said Alex making the four others laugh as the paparazzi on the other side of the road, taking photos.

"But seriously, they just got themselves a table thinking we can't see them and every now and then they took photos." said Damiano, making the five laugh again.

"When was this?" asked Ethan.

"A couple weeks back." said Alex, shrugging her shoulders.

"That was the last time you two went out on a date?! Damiano, I thought you were more romantic." said Victoria.

"That's the last time we went out on a date, we've had many private ones since then in the comfort of our home." said Damiano, emphasizing the 'out'. His phone suddenly started ringing in his pocket and so he answered it.

"Leo called saying he arrived at the hotel and that he'll be waiting for us right outside he said he's sitting on a bench outside the hotel." said Damiano and the four others cheered.

"Finally! Good thing we all love him otherwise he would not be able to have such a long holiday." said Victoria.

The six entered the car in which the driver kept apologizing in English for the inconvenience and the band along with Alex kept reassuring that it was fine and that they all needed some exercise and that they understood.

They reached the hotel and the five quickly went out to get their bags.

"Bye, losers!" shouted Alex, being the first one who got her luggage, running towards the hotel.

Alex ran towards the hotel and there she spotted her best friend since the age of fourteen. He was sitting on the bench with his suitcase on the side as he stared at something on his phone. He lifted his head when he heard someone running and then smiled widely, standing up quickly as he spread his arms.

"Good to have you again, Leonard." said Alex, making Leo laugh as she hugged him.

"You too, Alexandra." laughed Leo as Alex pulled away and slapped his head.

"This is why nobody likes you!" exclaimed Alex, jokingly.

"Oh, come on, everyone loves me." said Leo.

"Leo, my man!" exclaimed Damiano, walking over to hug his assistant and best friend. Alex was friends with Leo since they were about fourteen and she was the one who introduced him and Damiano leading Leo to become Damiano's assistant. 

Damiano pulled away but the other three haven't arrived yet since there was trouble with the luggage being stuck in the trunk of the car and so Leo used this time to ask about Alex's and Damiano's relationship.

"I heard that you two are together or am I reading fake news?" asked Leo, raising his left brow.

"For about two months now." said Damiano, nodding his head as he went forward to kiss Alex's forehead.

"My two best friends! This is great, I always knew you two would get together. I can finally get my twenty Euros from Ethan." said Leo, rubbing his hands together.

"Excuse me?' said Alex, turning to face Leo.

"Oh, shit. Well since you already basically know, around two or three years ago me and Ethan made a bet; he thought you two wouldn't get together but I said you would and I won!" he exclaimed. "Please don't kill me." 

"I won't," laughed Damiano. "but Alex may."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't." said Alex, smirking. "I made a bet with Victoria on when you'd come out as gay."

"I am not gay!" exclaimed Leo.

"We'll see! Likings change." said Alex, winking.

The next two days were full of rehearsals and preparation for the upcoming concert that Måneskin were performing on Wednesday.

The moment of the concert came and each bandmate was in their own little world, quietly rehearsing.

"You'll do great." said Alex, reassuring Damiano as she kissed his cheek.

"But what if I don't hit a note or if I forget or sing the wrong lyric?" he asked, stressing.

"Damiano," said Alex as she looked at him, taking his hands into hers. "you won't and even if you do that'll be fine because you're human and you're not expected to be perfect!"

"Really?" asked Damiano.

"Of course, many famous stars have made mistakes on stage yet they live with it. You'll be fine because I know you'll do great." said Alex, smiling at Damiano who sat on the ground opposite her.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not expected to be perfect! It's just the media puts so much pressure on everything being perfect it's hard not to stress." said Damiano.

"Well, then fuck the media because you'll do great!" said Alex and she kissed Damiano one last time before the presenter announced Måneskin and the band made their way to the stage.

"You'll all do great!" shouted Alex behind them.

"Thanks!", "Thank you!" shouted Damiano, Victoria, Thomas and Ethan.

And so, they were on the stage for their first concert as world-known rockstars.

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