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"It was nice having you over." exclaimed Martina as Sera, Luc and their granddaughter, Aurora, left their house after dinner.

"Someone's got a crush." said Alex, smirking.

"What? No!" exclaimed Thomas, getting pulled out of his trance.

"Oh come on! I saw the way you looked at her at the airport and now at dinner!" said Alex as she took the dishes to the kitchen with Thomas.

"Fine! But have you seen her? Those dark eyes, that beautiful black hair, her voice so sweet and her style was immaculate!" said Thomas.

"She was a fan." said Alex simply.

"What?" asked Thomas, confused.

"A Måneskin fan. When Sera was asking us about our careers, specifically questions about you being a musician, I heard her muttering answeres before you even said them. I also heard her hum 'Coraline' at one point when everyone was talking. I was sat opposite her so it was quite obvious I would hear." explained Alex.

"How come she didn't ask for a photo or anything? Oh what if she doesn't like me!?" exclaimed Thomas, worried.

"Or maybe she knew that all the fame and fans could get tiring and she caught up to the fact that you came here for a rest so she didn't ask, not wanting to disturb you." said Alex.

"Oh I need her number in that case!" said Thomas as he ran to their grandparents. "Ma! Do you know Aurora's phone number by any chance?"

In the end, Thomas did get Aurora's phone number as Martina called Sera and Sera asked for Aurora's number discreetly.

"What about that flight attendant?" asked Alex once her and Thomas wete back in her room.

"She was good looking but her personality was not it," said Thomas as he dialed Aurora's number on his phone. "OK, now shut up please."

Alex nodded her head as Thomas brang the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" asked a person through the phone.

Thomas cleared his throat and said, "Hi, um, have I reached Aurora?"

"Yes, yes, you have. May I ask who this is?" she answered kindly.

"It's me, Thomas. From your grandparents' friends." said Thomas.

"Oh! Woah. Um, how can I help?" she asked.

"I was just wondering," started Thomas but he looked lost ao Alex started acting out and miming what he was going to say. "if you wanted to go out for a coffee tomorrow?"

"Woah. Oh, my gosh. I mean, of course, just what time?" said the girl.

"Whenever you're free." said Thomas as he smiled.

"Are you free at one-thirty?" asked Aurora.

"Yes, I am. Well, see you then." said Thomas.

"Yes, see you then!" said Aurora and she hung up.

"Ahey! You just asked a girl out, finally!" exclaimed Alex as she high-fived Thomas.

"Oh it feels so good!" said Thomas. "I need to go to my room so that I can choose clothes, goodnight!"

Thomas jumped off Alex's bed and quickly ran to his room, closing the door behind him.

Alex just laughed as she picked up the phone to call Damiano.

He picked up after a couple seconds, he wasn't in the kitchen anymore. He was in his bathroom, shaving his beard. He had shaving cream on his face and a razor in his hand.

"You look like Santa Claus." laughed Alex.

"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!" joked Damiano and the both of them laughed.

"Anything exciting happened today;" asked Alex as she positioned her phone to be able to get her pajamas out.

"Nothing in particular, no. Is your life just as boring as mine currently?" asked Damiano as he neared the mirror to get a closer look at himself. He didn't have a shirt on, just black boxers.

"Actually something did happen. Thomas asked a girl out!" exclaimed Alex.

"No way! Who?" said Damiano.

"Basically, when we were at the airport our grandparents were speaking to two friends who also had a granddaughter from Rome and she was on the same flight as us and then we saw her and she was very pretty. They came over for dinner with the girl, her name's Aurora, and then after, once they went, Thomas had the courage to call her and ask her out for coffee tomorrow at one-thirty." said Alex.

The rest of the night was spent on them calling and Alex eventually falling asleep.

"Goodnight, love." said Damiano knowing well that Alex wouldn't reply as he positioned his phone so that he could lay down and also start falling asleep.

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