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A couple kilometers away, Damiano was sitting in his bedroom thinking hard about his new song that he decided to write about Alex hoping she would realise his feelings.

He was sitting in his room, chewing on his pen as he thought. It didn't take long for him to come up with another two verses as the words seemed to flow out on the paper like water into the ocean. Tranquil on the outside yet destroying on the inside.

The verses he had just written was the one after the first chorus, it went like this:

So baby why don't you please me now?
So baby why don't you please me now?
I've got so much I can give to you,
I've got so much I can give to you.

For your love I'll do whatever you want,
For your love I'll do whatever you want,
I'll do whatever you want, for your love, ahi, ahi, ah.

He was planning to have a break here for instrumental only, no vocals.

So tell me what you want, I'll give you what you want
Tell me what you want, I'll give you what you want baby
Tell me what you want, I'll give you what you want baby
Tell me what you want, I'll give you what you want.

Here he planned another instrumental break a little longer than the other one. To add some addiction into the song so that you couldn't get away with it.

Soon, he was done with the rest of the song as the words spilled like ink over parchment.

He started drumming his fingers on the table and humming possible tunes of the song. He already had one in mind but he had to see how it would sound all together.

And so, he decided to call for Ethan and Thomas.

He walked out into the garden where he saw Thomas and Ethan having a water gun fight.

"FUCK YOU, ETHAN." shouted Thomas, laughing as Ethan sprayed him.

"NO, FUCK YOU!" said Ethan, both of them errupting into laughter a short while later.

"OK, I'll just pretend I saw nothing," said Damiano as he walked to the two men. "I need you two."

"Sure, what is it?" asked Ethan as he was trying to dry his long hair with a towel.

"I need to see how a melody works, can we go to the studio?" asked Damiano, referring to the mini studio inside the house.

He had been working on a melody for the song longer than the lyrics themself.

He was finally ready to try everything out.

The three walked to the mini studio and after an hour of Thomas and Ethan rehearsing the melody Damiano had given them, Damiano could finally record them on his phone so he could later match the lyrics up.

Soon, Damiano had everything recorded and he was set.

"Thank you! It honestly means so much to me!" shouted Damiano as he was already walking out of the studio, leaving the two young men discombobulated.

He walked into his room and put on the recording. Ethan and Thomas came into his room a couple seconds later stating they were heading into to town for the rest of the day, asking Damiano to join him but he refused saying he was busy all day. The two soon left and Damiano was left alone in the house.

Perfect, he thought, the whole house to myself, perfect opportunity to use the studio and see how it all sounds together.

He walked out into the studio and started recording whilst singing the song and listening to the recording of Thomas and Ethan.

He soon finished and he connected his phone to the speakers in the studio to play the song whilst he listened to the recording.

It didn't sound quite right so he spent the next two hours adjusting the delays of words slightly each time.

At last, he had the correct timings and placements. He sat back and listened to the song, it really did sound good.

Now the only thing needed in this song was bass. But that was something to figure out later for now, he was admiring his work that could possibly change his future to a better one with Alex in it.

They were both broken souls from their previous relationships but Damiano believed that they could heal eachother, if only Alex realised the feelings he had for her.

A/N -

Anyway, better late than never as I like saying. 😏

Moving on, I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I sure did enjoy writting this and have a good rest of your day and have an amazing Friday tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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