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"We should do something, I'm going to die out of boredom." whined Victoria as she was sat in the garden with everyone else.

"Like?" asked Alex.

"Uh, I don't know! You tell me." said Victoria.

"We could do a music competition." said Thomas.

"What do you mean by that, Thomas Raggi?" said Ethan.

"First of all, no, just no. Second of all, I mean we could divide into two groups and we could each perform one Måneskin song and then we could let the fans decide who did it better." said Thomas.

"But there is only five of us." said Alex.

"Yeah but you can play the guitar and drums." said Thomas.

"Now think you forget that I can't sing and drum at the same time." said Alex.

"Oh I'm definitely not singing, for get it." said Victoria.

"I can be on both teams!" said Ethan abruptly.

"There we go!" exclaimed Damiano.

"OK, I can play like that." said Victoria and the rest agreed.

Soon, they had a hat with Måneskin songs and the singer of the group had to pick one title out blindly and then they would have the whole day to rehearse it and then in the evening each would perform and then post it on the band's instagram with a poll asking who's was better.

"You can go first." said Damiano, smiling at Alex.

She clutched her chest and said sarcastically, "such a gentleman!"

She looked away and picked a paper and then Damiano did too.

"Aha! We got 'Lividi sui gomiti'." exclaimed Alex.

"We got 'Il nome del padro'!" said Damiano. "Oh, I love that one!"

At the end, they decided that Ethan was to spend the first three hours with Thomas and Damiano and then the other three with Alex and Victoria.

Alex and Victoria went to the mini studio in the house whilst Thomas, Ethan and Damiano went to the studio they had in the far end of the garden. They had flipped a coin for it so that it was fair.

"Well, I don't need the lyrics." said Alex.

"You don't?" asked Victoria.

"Well, um, I may or may not know the lyrica to basically every one of Måneskin's songs off by heart." said Alex.

"And I thought I was weird." said Victoria under her breath.

Victoria started refreshing her memory of the song's notes while Alex sang the lyrics quietly to herself.

Soon, the two were ready and Alex started singing whilst Victoria played her bass guitar.

""Ehi, calmati", ti ho detto, "Guardami"
È finito il tempo di nascondersi dietro quegli angoli
Adesso dimmi dove corri e perché ansimi
Non l'hai mai visto chi ha ballato coi fottuti diavoli
Chi è cresciuto con sogni forti e mani fragili."

They got through the whole with only a few mistakes but they were ready to win with the boys.

A/N -
Sorry for the very, VERY lame and short chapter but I don't have time but I still wanted to update to feed you all. 😩 I guess this is better than nothing. 😭❤️

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