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Alexandra was watching as Måneskin were on stage performing their last practice before the big night which was tomorrow.

The song had changed a lot, because of Eurovision guidelines, from how it was before. But, either way, it was still as powerful and gave out a really good message.

Don't care what others say.

"I think we have a good chance of winning this year, Franco." said Alexandra, watching as the band rocked the stage.

"You know, Alex, I think you're correct. Many teens nowadays love this type of music. We might actually have a chance in winning." said Måneskin's manager, Franco.

"Mhm." said Alexandra, nodding her head.

"I need to speak to their designer. If they finish before I'm here then tell them they did great." said Franco.

"Of course." she said as Franco waved to her and walked away.

She stood by the stage looking up at it as her brother and his band were performing their last rehearsal when she heard a voice behind her.

"They're really good." said someone in English behind her.

She turned around and saw the two main singers of Blind Channel, Finland's contestants.

"Oh yes, yes. They are indeed." answered Alexandra in English with a accent to her voice. "Your song is very good too. I like it, violent pop."

"Finally someone who knows it's violent pop and not rock!" said the brown-haired.

Alexandra laughed at the man's remark.

"I'm Niko Vilhelm, by the way." said the brown-haired man.

"And I'm Joel Hokka." said the other man.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Alexandra Raggi, call me Alex." said Alexandra, in English.

"Nice to meet you too, Alexandra." said both.

The music stopped and the whole arena errupted in claps as Måneskin walked off the stage.

"Siete stati fantastici!" exclaimed Alexandra, as the four walked towards them.

She hugged each of them in turn, they all returned the hug. They all loved her hugs, they warmed and fulfilled the soul.

"These are Finland's contestants, Niko and Joel."

The seven talked until Blind Channel had to go and rehearse their performance.

It was almost two in the afternoon and everyone was hungry.

"Can we go eat something? I'm starving." said Victoria.

"Me too, lets go." said Damiano.

"Just not the hotel food, it's not the best." said Alexandra, shaking her head.

"I agree with my little sister." said Thomas, smirking down at Alexandra.

"I think I'm going to go insane. You're only like eleven months older! That's not even a full year!" argued Alex, making the four laugh.

"Oh but it's almost, Alex, almost." said Thomas smirking.

"Yeah, yeah." said Alex, rolling her eyes.

"Moving away from your childish arguing, I heard that there is a restaurant here in town, they said it was called Goede Geneugten. People say the food is really good." said Damiano.

"Well then come on, you're not going out in your stage costumes, are you?"  said Alexandra, skipping in front.

"You have way too much energy for me, Alex." laughed Damiano, running to catch up to her.

"I drank three energy drinks this morning, I'd be weird if I didn't have so much energy."

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