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The performance in Amsterdam was as good as it could be and soon they all arrived at their hotel in Gothenburg a couple hours before the concert.

"We made it to Gothenburg, baby!" exclaimed Victoria as she high-fived Alex who stood next to her.

"We sure did!" replied Alex.

"I can't believe I'm actually living my dream." said Victoria as she stared at the hotel in front of her

"And proud of you for that." said Alex, winking at Victoria and making her laugh. "This seems like a good hug moment.

"Oh, yes it does." said Victoria and the two best friends hugged each other.

"We only have a couple hours before the concert so, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to quit the hugging and we need to get inside the hotel." said Thomas.

"Is someone jealous that they didn't get one of my famous hugs?" asked Alex, smirking.

"Maybe." said Thomas, quietly and then Alex laughed as she hugged her brother. "Yeah, we have all the time in the world before the concert starts."

"Guys! Come on! Stop hugging and get in the hotel!" shouted Ethan from the reception of the hotel.

"I've always wanted to visit Sweden." said Alex once she and Victoria were in their hotel room. Thomas and Ethan had their joint hotel room and Damiano and Leo had theirs.

"I've never had an opinion on Sweden." said Victoria as she put on a shirt. "But it's beautiful here."

"I agree." said Alex, buttoning up her blouse.

The concert went by fast and soon Måneskin were off the stage and back in the hotel.

"Pink suits you." said Alex, straightening out Damiano's blazer.

"It's my new obsession." he said, winking and Alex laughed.

"I thought I was your new obsession?" said Alex, scratching her chin.

"You, my dear, are my all-time obsession. Pink is new." he said, pointing at Alex with his index finger.

"Whatever you say." Alex replied, putting her hands up in surrender.

"Now come on, we're going to get doughnuts and I want balloons." said Damiano, dragging Alex away by her hand.

"Why? It's so random." said Alex, laughing.

"Because I feel like it." whispered Damiano before turning to the other three and shouting, "We're going to get doughnuts!"

"Just don't eat them all before you come back!" exclaimed Victoria.

"We'll try!" joked Alex and once she and Damiano were out of the building she said, "why exactly doughuts?"

"I heard there's this great doughnut place very near here and, also, I really want doughnuts." said Damiano.

"Alright, but why do you want balloons?" asked Alex, her and Damiano walking through the empty streets as the sky grew darker.

"Because they're fun? Who doesn't like balloons?!" exclaimed Damiano and Alex laughed.

"Listen don't get me wrong, they're fun but when they pop they scare the fucking life out of me." said Alex.

"Now I know how to scare you on Halloween." said Damiano.

"If you do that then I'll dress up as a vampire." said Alex. Damiano had a weird scare for vampires and they always scared him a lot.

"I'll dress up as a clown." whispered Damiano.

"Now that I've thought about it, I won't dress up as a vampire." said Alex.

"You'd make a hot vampire though." said Damiano, winking at Alex.

"Please, I'd make a hot anything." joked Alex, smugly.

"Oh, yes, you would." said Damiano and the both of them laughed.

They walked into the doughnut shop and got the doughnuts they wanted and also picked up balloons on their way back. As they walked back, Damiano filmed a video for his story in which Alex said at the end "the doughnuts are getting fucking wet!" unaware of the fact that Damiano was recording as she looked up at the raining sky. He uploaded the video to his story and soon many people viewed it.

"The sky's peeing again." said Alex, both her and Damiano drenched in the rain as they walked in her and Victoria's room where Victoria said they were.

"Peeing?" asked Leo, confused as to Alex's word choice.

"Instead of using the word raining she often uses peeing." explained Victoria.

"Doughnuts!" exclaimed Ethan running towards Alex and Damiano. "Give me, give me."

"Ethan, they won't run away." laughed Damiano, opening the box for Ethan to grab a doughnut.

"Well, I've decided that if by the time I'm thirty, I don't have a partner then I'm marrying a doughtnut." he said. "So it's quite important they don't run away."

The six of them laughed and started eating doughnuts as the night progressed.


i don't know if what damiano held in the video on his story from after the concert but they looked liek doughnuts to me so i decided to just stick to doughnuts. ;)

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