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"OK, so we've got the songs for the gig, yes?" asked Damiano as he sat with Ethan, Thomas and Victoria, planning tomorrow's gig they had at a local bar where they had started playing. They wanted a place fans could easily get to and they also wanted to relive memories. There were other musicians there playing and their songs were going to be spread from seven-thirty to twelve at night.

Alex had not been home then because she had an open day at her University for anyone interested to join and anyone starting in September. Being one of the most talented students, she got asked to lead a workshop that would allow people nake their own Picasso-styled painting. The open day started at nine in the morning and ended at three in the afternoon, it was currently around three-thirty and she was bound to be back any minute.

"Yes. Zitti E Buoni, For You Love, Coraline, Close To The Top and La Paura Del Buio." said Victoria as she looked at the paper in front of her.

"Great. I'm hungry, can we please order something?" whined Thomas as he hit his head on the table.

"Sure, what do you want? I'll order it." said Ethan as he got up and went to the home phone that was placed on a wooden chest of drawers.

"Can we order Chinese? I need it right now or I will quite literally cry." said Victoria as she opened a cupboard, took some painkillers out and took a glass of water.

"Ethan you might want to hurry up. Women become extra dangerous every month at a certain time.", Victoria joked,

Everyone told Ethan their orders and Damiano also said Alex's as she would probably be back soon.

The four went back to talking about their gig tomorrow and planned how they would introduce each song. Soon, they heard the door open and they saw Alex come into the kitchen.

She had a black beret on and her hair was in a low ponytail and there was a strand of hair wrapped around where the hairband is. She had a white spaghetti strap top on with black leather trousers and a black wooley cardgian on.

"Hello!" she said excitedly as she walked up to Damiano and kissed hin quickly on the lips and then walked to the kitchen counter to put on the kettle to boil water. The three others were too busy to realize that Alex came back that they only realised once she greeted them.

"Oh, Alex! How was your open day?" asked Victoria as she hugged her friend and Alex hugged her back.

"It was good, just way to tiring" said Alex as she took a cup out of the cabinet and put some coffee into it as she waited for the water to boil. "How was yours?"

"Well, we were planning out gig for tomorrow." said Damiano.

"Oh! I almost forgot about that." she said.

"You better haven't. You're coming with us obviously." said Thomas.

"I would've come with you even if you didn't want me to. You can't get rid of me that easily" said Alex. She poured thw hot water into the cup and turned around saying, "Anyone else want a coffee?"

"Me please." said Victoria, raising her hand quickly as she flipped through a magazine. The three men said no to coffee as they were way too energetic as it was.

"I'm going to the pool," said Thomas. "I need to get rid of my energy."

"Me too, I'll cut everyone's heads off and then chop them up into pieces if I don't get this energy out of me" said Ethan and everyone looked at him weirdly. "Sorry, it's my brain."

"Right. Well, I'm going to. It's too hot to be sat here all day." said Damiano getting up and going for his swimming trunks.

The two men followed him and left the kitchen. Alex took her and Victoria's coffee and started walking towards the garden.

"Come on, the sun won't shine by itself." said Alex and Victoria laughed, getting up from her seat.

"Actually, it will." said Victoria.

"Oh shut up and let me have my moment." said Alex and Victoria swung her arn around her bestfriend's shoudler as they walked out into the burning sun.

"Oh you motherfucker!" exclaimed Alex as Damiano just dumped a bucket of pool water on her.

She jumped from where she sat next to Victoria and started chasing after Damiano who started running.

She had a light brown two piece swimming suit on and her hair was tied in a loose ponytail.

"You can't catch me." said Damiano as he stood in front of Alex.

"Yes, I can." said Alex.

"Not unless I jump into the water." he said as he neared the edge of the pool.

"Oh, yeah? Go on, we'll see who wins." and so, Damiano jumped into the water where Ethan and Thomas were relaxing in and Alex jumped in soon after.

"I told you I could jump in." said Alex as she started swimming towards Damianom she reached him and pulled him by the waist towards her and jumped on his back.

She laughed evily and whispered into his ear.

"I told you I'd win."

She quickly got out of the pool leaving Damiano, Thomas and Ethan to hang out as she walked towards Victoria who sat on one of the sun loungers as she flipped through Vanity Fair Italia which they had recently been asked on a photoshoot for.

"Do you believe we'll be on here in like the next week?" asked Victoria as Alex took a seat next to her.

"It's great. You really are living your dream. I'm so happy for you guys." said Alex.

"What about you living your dreams?" asked Victoria.

"I am. I have the boyfriend of my dreams, incredible friends, the people closest to me are living their dream and I'm going to one of the finest art universities in Europe. What else is there to ask for? I have everything I need. When the right time comes, I'll accomplish more but, for now, I'm happy where I am." said Alex, smiling.

She really was living her dream. She was on the right track to becoming a world-known painter as she already had a headstart and the people around her were caring and loving. Others had it so much worse than she did and she was grateful for everything she had.

Was there really anything else to ask for?

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