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Liked by ykaaar, vicdeangelis, ethaneskin, thomasraggi_ and  738,432 others

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Liked by ykaaar, vicdeangelis, ethaneskin, thomasraggi_ and 738,432 others

alexraggi_: THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH FOR VOTING 24 YESTERDAY! ITALY, WE'RE BRINGING HOME THE VICTORY p.s. some additional photos from yesterday's celebration

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ykaaar: síííí!! THANK YOU EVERYBODY!

vicdeangelis: like caption said we love you all lots!

thomasraggi_: Sto davvero bene

alexraggi_: thomasraggi_ sí, Thomas, si.

username: thank you for feeding me pictures for my edits.

username: MY OBSESSION IS FED! 😩🙌

ethaneskin: Penso che la mia testa sia morta da ieri.

alexraggi_: ethaneskin Ti avevo detto di non bere così tanto alcol.

username: alexraggi_ the amount i'd pay just to see drunk ethan and damiano is astronomical.

Two hours earlier...

"Oh, I feel like my head is going to burst." whined Victoria as she sat on her hotel bed under the covers.

"I said not to drink to much yesterday," said Alex, smiling way too sweetly. "I'm always correct, repeat after me; Alex is always correct."

"Ugh, OK. Alex is always correct." said Victoria, groaning

"Now, here, drink this. My mum always made it for Thomas and me after we came back late and had loads of alcohol. It should help the headache. I'm going to see how the boys are holding up." said Alex, tying her hair into a loose braid.

"No, please don't leave me." said Victoria, pronouncing the me longer than it should be.

"Don't worry, Vic. I'll be back before you know it." she said, walking towards the door that seperated the hotel room into two.

"Ciao!" said Alex, barging into Thomas', Damiano's and Ethan's side of the room.

They were all still asleep, the curtains pulled closed and the strong smell of alcohol still in the air.

Alex lifted the air horn that she took with her from her side of the room. She pressed the air horn and it let out a loud sound.

Thomas woke up with a shout, Ethan fell of the bed and Damiano also fell of the bed but swearing.

"È la fine del mondo?! oh no, non ancora! Ho appena vinto l'Eurovision. Non ancora, Dio, non ancora!" exclaimed Ethan as he sat up, blowing the hair off his face.

"Unfortunately, I'm not exactly God. But, thank you for the compliment, Ethan" said Alex, laughing.

"Alex?' said Damiano, getting up. He had no shirt on. "I can't believe a ninteen year old scared the absolute shit out of me."

"Hey! I'm turning twenty in December, I'm not much younger than you, actually." said Alex, crossing her arms.

"Fine, fine whatever you say. But you're still short." he laughed, flattening his hair in the mirror.

Alex walked up and stood next to him, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Yeah? It's all in your head, you're nit much taller because I'm 5'7," she said and Damiano sighed hearing the truth.

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