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"Where's Vic?" asked Ethan as the four were getting ready to leave their hotel room.

"I think she's -" started Thomas but he got interupted by a voice from the bathroom along with a crash.

"Ah shit!" someone exclaimed.

"Well, I think that explains the answer to your question, my dear Ethan," said Alex as she walked up to the bathroom door, knocking loudly on it. "VIC, ARE YOU DEAD YET?"

But after getting no answer, Alex turned to the boys with an innocent smile and said, "Yep, she's dead."

The boys quickly walked uo to the door and also started knocking. Yet Alex just stood back and watched, Victoria had probably only just tripped over the toilet roll holder, she's done it thousands of times in this hotel room over the past couple of weeks.

"Hello?" asked Damiano.

"Are you really dead?" whispered Ethan.

"Yes, Ethan, she's dead." said Thomas blankly and Ethan put his hand over his mouth.

"I'm fine just -" started Victoria and Alex interupted her.

"Tripped over the toilet roll dispenser." said Alex.

"Yeah! What Alex said!" said Victoria from the bathroom. "Because Alex said that, right?"

"Yes, it was me." said Alex loudly.

"Well, then come help me, bitch!" she said and Alex sighed walking towards the door.

"Open the door, motherfucker!"she exclaimed and then she heard the lock click and she opened the door.

There was Victoria, laying on the ground four unwrapped toilet paper rolls around and on her. When Alex saw this, she burst out laughing.

"You need to be careful, you'll actually hurt yourself one of these days." said Alex as she reached out a hand to Victoria.

"I almost died here!" exclaimed Victoria, dusting off her clothes.

"Yes, of course you did." laughed Damiano.

"I swear I did." she said.

"Yes, Vic, you did." said Alex, raising her eyesbrows.

"OK, now that we've got Victoria out of her little toilet paper disaster, we can get to the airport." said Alex as she took her suitcase and started skipping out of the room, everyone following after her.

She stood aside and let everyone walk out of the room and then locked it for the last time.

"Bye bye, room." said Alex, waving to the door as the five of the walked away.

"Why are you saying goodbye to a door?" asked Damiano, looking at Alex in a confused manner.

"Because doors have feelings, bitch." answered Alex.

"Over the many years we've all spent together you should have learnt not to ask questions, Damiano." laughed Victoria.

"I know it's just, you know, normal people don't say goodbye to doors." he said.

"Are you calling me not normal?" exclaimed Alex, gasping sarcastically.

"Yes." said Damiano, blankly.

Damiano, Thomas, Ethan and Victoria burst into laughter whilst Alex just crossed her arms on her chest and started walking away.

They soon reached the car that was meant to take them to the airport and they got it.

Victoria and Alex on one side in the back and Ethan, Thomas and Damiano on the other side.

Alex got comfortable because she knew a long journey awaited them.

But finally, she could go back home.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now