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   Liked by thomasraggi__, ykaaar,         vicdeangelis, ethaneskin, and 592,          423 others

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   Liked by thomasraggi__, ykaaar,         vicdeangelis, ethaneskin, and 592,          423 others

   alexraggi__: la vendetta è dolce 😇        @ykaaar

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   ykaaar: Non sapevo che avresti postato questo 😩

  alexraggi__: ykaaar naturalmente, Damiano, naturalmente

  vicdeangelis: la vendetta è dolcissima 😈

  thomasraggi__: sto solo aspettando il 'oh my god, damiano is so hot!'  commenti

  username: thomasraggi__ what. did thomas just call damiano hot.

  username: username No, he said he's waiting for the 'Oh, my God, Damiano is so hot!' comments. 😂

  username: username well he doesn't need to wait any longer; oh my god! damiano is so hot!

  ethaneskin: il cibo era buono.

  alexraggi_: ethaneskin sono d'accordo con Ethan Torchio.

  username: ethaneskin alexraggi__ i have no idea what they're saying but they sound so random, and i love it.

"This, this is the best food I've had in weeks" said Ethan with his mouth stuffed with food.

"I agree with Ethan Torchio." said Alexandra, clicking her fingers and pointing at Ethan who smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"And you're still going on with the agreeing and saying the full name," said Thomas, rolling his eyes. "It's annoying."

"I disagree with Thomas Raggi."

Damiano, Ethan and Victoria laughed whilst Thomas just slapped his forehead repeatedly.

"Would it be weird if I had three energy drinks in the morning yet I would be already tired?" asked Alexandra.

"Yes, that would be pretty alarming." answered Ethan.

"Well, in that case, it's good I'm not tired." said Alexandra simply.

"Alex," started Thomas. "Why did you ask then?"

"Curiousity is a very dangerous thing to let pass by, dear brother."

"Are you nervous?" asked Alex, taking a seat next to her brother. "For tomorrow, I mean."

"A bit, yes." he said fiddling with his fingers.

"Listen, Thomas," she said, taking his hands in hers and making him look at her. "You'll do great. And, if you don't win, that's still fine because you even got into Eurovision! Only few get this opportunity, you have come very far as it is."

Thomas looked up at his sister, who was smiling widely at him, and he smiled back. He really was grateful to have a sister like Alex.

"Oh come here!" she exclaimed, opening her arms.

The two hugged eachother, no words were needed. All the words where explained the hug.

"As cute as this is, we need to get going to our final costume check." said Damiano, walking into the reception, where the two siblings were seated.

Thomas stood up and reached his hand out to help his sister up too.

The two walked up to Damiano and Alex walked in the middle of them. She took both of their hands and started swinging them, something she usually did, as the three started walking.

"You know, I have a good feeling. I think we will win this year." said Alex, a smile on her lips, looking up at the two taller boys.

"I agree with Alexandra Raggi." laughed Damiano.

"Hey! Not the full name! Also that's my line!"

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