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"I want to get a motorcycle. Should I get a motorcycle?" said Damiano, as he checked himself in the mirror. He had a blouse on that was completely unbuttoned with a necklace and white flared trousers. I had a dark brown blouse on and the same necklace with also the buttons undone and a light brown vest top tucked into black jeans.

"I mean, sure. You'd real look hot." I said, walking up to stand behind him

"So I don't look hot now?" he asked.

"You look very hot now but with a motorcycle you'd look hot on another level." I said.

"Just like you in bed yesterday." he said, winking as he walked towards the door. "Now, come on, we have dinner to attend to."

We walked downstairs where Ethan was helping me prepare dinner.

"Ah, finally! You're back! Alright, well I got kind of scared and, uh, I burned the fries." he said, shyly.

"Oh, Ethan! That's alright, we'll just make another batch." I said, hugging him and he seemed to relax.

"I thought you'd be angry." he said, turning to cut the potatoes again.

"Of course not, we all make mistakes." I said.

"Everybody makes mistakes." sang Damiano, sitting at the table and eating the grapes.

"Stand up, grape boy, and help us make new fries." I said and he stood up.

"Wait, so who's coming again?" asked Ethan.

"Uh, Iris and Aurora. Thomas chickened out of asking her to be his girlfriend before so he told me he wants to take her out on a nice walk after dinner and ask her then." I said, helping to cut the potatoes.

"None of us met Aurora yet, well you have, not us." said Ethan.

"She's pretty, into fashion and funny. Like a real life Rachel joined with a real life Chandler. Pretty cool mix." I said. "Now, Damiano get the pot and boil the water please."

"How do you... do that?" he asked and I sighed.

"Do you men not know how to do anything?" I asked no one knows who.

"I'll do it, I burnt the fries after all." said Ethan, stopping me and taking the pot himself.

"Thank you." I said, smiling before whispering to Damiano. "Watch and learn, Dam."

He doesn't like the nickname so whenever I want to wind him up I like using it.


"I'll get the door!" I exclaimed and Vic followed me.

"Looks like they both arrived together." I said, seeing them through the peephole and unlocked the door.

Aurora had her short, black hair in two small braids whilst the rest was out, she had a black leather skirt on and a grey shirt with fishnets under neath and bootswhile Iris had a red anf black flowery dress on also with fishnets and little black heels, the exact same as Victoria, and her hair was in tight curls.

"Hi!" exclaimed Vic, reaching out her hand to Aurora. "I'm Victoria, call me Vic, you must be Aurora!"

"Oh! Nice to meet you and I am Aurora." said the black-haired girl, smiling and Vic smiled back while I started greeting Aurora.

"The living room is that way, I need to do a couple things." I said to Aurora and she left, smiling at me.

"Hey, love." said Vic to Iris and then kissed her.

'Hey, hey. I brought the champagne you called me about." said Iris and Victoria cheered.

"Hey! Listen everyone! My girlfriend finally remembered something!" shouted Victoria when we were back in the living room, holding up the champagne bottle.

"The famous Iris!" exclaimed Leo, getting off the floor where he sat with Damiano. "I've heard so much about you it feels like I actually know you."

"Well, I wish I could say the same about you." said Iris and everyone laughed.

"I love her already!" exclaimed Leo, facing us. "We need to talk, you're like the first new person I've seen in two days, it's tiring. I need some new faces!"

"Lets hope they're as good as they say you are, huh?" said Iris, smirking as she elbowed Leo.

"That's it, Vic, I'm stealing your girl." he said, pointing to Iris who was laughing whilst he looked at Victoria.

We were all soon sat at the table in the dining room since the one in the kitchen was too crowded with food and bags from arriving yesterday.

"So how was the tour? I'm sorry I couldn't come but I had to go to Denmark, my sister was getting married.

"It was good - " started Damiano but Victoria cut hum off.

"Damiano put on Alex's underwear for a whole hour as a dare!" she exclaimed and we all laughed except him.

"No way. Really?" asked Iris, looking at Damiano in shock.

"Only because Edgar gave it to me as a dare." he reasoned but we all laughed again.

"I'm freaky like that." said Ethan, winking.

We spent the night drinking and eating until we saw the sun rise and then we went to sleep, sleeping through almost the whole next day.

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