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"Finally!" exclaimed Victoria, standing up from the chair she sat.

"Took you long enough." said Alex, also standing up.

"I'm sorry! Damiano wanted to get a duck hat." said Ethan.

"Hey! It looks cute, alright? Look!" said Damiano as he took a fluffy yellow hat with two long strips of material at the front from a bag. He put the hat on and pressed the tip of the strips and the ears of the duck flapped up.

The four started laughing.

"A child, a literal child." said Alex, as the five walked out of the shop. She walked up to Damiano who was walking in front and she went on her tiptoes and hit the back of his head lightly but enough to make him lean forward.

"Hey! You're going to mess my hair up. I swear, be more gentle, woman!" he said, touching his hair.

"You can just cover it with your hat then." answered Alex, laughing.

"Good idea." he said putting his hat on and at that moment a group of four teen girls walked up to the five.

"Are you Måneskin?!" one said excitedly in a English accent.

"Yes, we are." said Victoria smiling.

"Can we take a picture, please?" asked another girl.

"Sure." said Damiano.

Alex walked away to the side, she knew they wouldn't want her to be in the photo, so she waited on the side.

But before the group of girls and Måneskin could stand in a formation for the photo, the four girls started whispering excitedly.

"You're Alexandra, right?! The girl who helps writing their songs!" said one girl, smiling widely.

"Oh, um, yes." said Alex, in an Italian accent.

"Please do join the photo! We'd love for you to be in it!" said another girl and so Alex moved forward and they took a picture and the four girls said their good-byes and walked away.

"How did you survive that?" asked Thomas, knowing his sister hated attention.

"I don't know but that, that was the worst thing I've ever done, I hated it. I have no clue how you do this all the time at home." said Alex, shivering from just the thought as the four laughed.

They started walking in the way of where they were going, taking photos for Instagram on the way.

They started walking in the way of where they were going, taking photos for Instagram on the way

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