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"Oh! We could play spin the bottle!" exclaimed Thomas.

It was now the evening and Iris had come over. She was a very beautfiul girl, beautiful eyes and beautiful hair. Also, from what the other four could tell, she was very kind, sweet and funny.

The five were sitting together in a circle as they ended a game of monopoly and sipped on their alcohol.

"Not a bad idea, Thomas." said Ethan.

"OK, but just to be clear, I am not kissing Thomas if I spin the bottle and it lands on him." said Alex as she raised herself from resting her hair against Damiano's shoulder as she had already got out of the game long while ago and she was helping Damiano.

Everyone laughed and Victoria said, "I think we all know that's obvious."

"Just wanted to clarify, I don't feel like throwing up tonight." said Alex in her usual sarcastic manner.

"Hey! I am not such a bad kisser." said Thomas.

"I know, you're worse." said Alex and everyone errupted in laughs expect Thomas who just showed Alex his middle finger, her doing the same.

"Moving on from sibling banter, we should start the game. I'll get the bottle." said Ethan as he got up and went to the kitchen and came back with one of the empty wine bottles.

"Who drank my wine?! Because I know for a fact I hadn't opened that one yet!" exclaimed Alex as she saw the wine bottle Ethan had in his hand.

Alex had a little drawer in her room where she stored all her favourite alcohol and she didn't like when people touched it.

"That would be me." said Thomas, smirking.

"Hello everyone, welcome to my world." said Alex sarcastically.

"Sometimes I wish I had an older or younger sibling." said Iris from where she rested her head in Victoria's lap as Victoria played with Iris' hair.

"I thought you said you had a sister?" asked Damiano as Ethan put the bottle in the middle of them all.

"A twin sister. The absolute worst, my parents always favoured her. Ivy this, Ivy that! Oh, my God, Ivy did this today! Oh, Ivy did that today!" said Iris as she mimicked her mother's voice.

"Well at least she's far away now!" said Victoria, trying to make her girlfriend feel better.

"At least, lets just pray she doesn't move here." said Iris.

"Why?" asked Alex curiously.

"She always copied me and my parents thought it was me that copied her. I started playing guitar, she did too. I wanted to always keep my hair short, she did too. I started skateboarding, she did too. That last one at least my parents knew I did first as she only got interested once I got my first skateboard. Luckily she fell once and broke her leg, never touched that thing again." said Iris and everyone laughed.

"We should play now." said Iris as she got up and sat criss-crossed on the floor.

"Oh! Oh! Can I go first? I mean, I said to play this game." said Thomas.

The rest agreed and so he spinned the bottle. Victoria, of course, was recording everything on Instagram ready to put on Måneskin's story.

The bottle landed on Ethan and so Thomas moved towards him and kissed his lips. The rest applauded and whistled as a joke and Victoria uploaded the story.

"Me next!" said Ethan as he spun the bottle.

It landed on Alex and everyone laughed.

"Oh this is like kissing Thomas!" exclaimed Alex referring to the fact that Ethan had just kissed Thomas.

"We don't have to do it if you feel uncomfortable!" said Ethan and Alex smiled.

"It's fine, Ethan. Trust me." said Alex and she quickly pecked Ethan's lips.

"I spin now!" said Alex as she spun the bottle. It landed on Victoria.

"Iris! I'm gonna need you to record this, love." said Victoria as she handed Iris her phone so that she could record the kisses for Instagram.

"Oh, I love kissing Victoria!" exclaimed Alex, clapping her hands. "In a friendly way, of course."

The two girls met in the middle of the circle and kissed.

That's how the rest of the night went, well something like that at least.

Victoria then spun the bottle and it landed on Damiano, then he spun it and it landed on Iris, Iris then spun it and it landed on Thomas, Thomas spun it but it landed on Alex so he had to spin again. After that Iris got a call from her grandmother, whom she was currently staying with because of her only just moving here, telling her to come home as it was nearing two in the morning and she was starting to get worried.

"I'm so sorry, ma!" exclaimed Iris as she stood in the corner of the room. "No, no I should apologize for being so late, don't you think you're holding me back from living my life. I'll be home in twenty minutes."

She hung up and turned to the group.

"I'm sorry, I need to go. My grandma is getting a bit worried." said Iris as she took her mini backpack from the sofa.

"I'll walk you back." said Victoria.

"I'll come with you two, it's nightime and it isn't too safe out there alone in the streets of Rome at this time." said Ethan as he got up from he sat on the ground.

"Thank you, Ethan." said Victoria, smiling as she hugged Ethan.

"No problem." said Ethan.

And so, the three said their goodbyes and left.

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