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The burning sensation of alcohol soothed my throat as it slid through. We were all sat in Damiano's and Leo's room, about to play truth or dare.

"I'll start because it was my idea." said Thomas, smugly.

"Wait!" shouted Victoria and she stood up quickly, going to our room just across the hall and then coming back with something clear in her hand. She held it up, saying, "Traditional Polish vodka."

"That shit must be strong." said Ethan.

"Oh, it is." I laughed. "We tried that earlier and it literally burned my insides alive."

"We'll drink it anytime we get picked." she said, putting it down on the floor in the middle of us all.

"I don't believe it's actually that strong. It can't be." said Damiano and me and Vic looked at him.

"Dude, it literally burns you." I said, emphasizing the 'burns.'

"Try it." said Vic, giving Damiano the glass bottle and he took it. 

He opened it and drank straight from the bottle. He made a shocked face and then started coughing and me and Vic high-fived, laughing.

"If hell had a taste, it would be this. This shit burns so much. I think it's going to burn a hole in my stomach." he said.

"Let's start. OK, uh, Ethan! Truth or dare?" asked Thomas.

"Let me think. You know what? Let's start off strong, dare." he said.

"We'll start off easy," said Thomas, smirking at the boy sat next to him. "Stand in the middle of the circle, put your finger out, spin, stop when we say stop and whoever your finger points at, you have to kiss them." 

"Alright, I can do that, I've kissed everyone in this room. Well, not Leo." he said, getting up.

We all closed our eyes and he started spinning and then we all shouted stop. We opened our eyes to see his finger pointing at Victoria.

"My second kiss of the day, baby!" exclaimed Victoria, happily. She got up and her and Ethan kissed in the middle of the circle.

"Feels like a wedding." I said, clapping my hands.

"Ethan and Victoria Torchio." joked Damiano.

"I like Victoria Torchio. If we both don't get married till we're forty, we're marrying each other, deal?" said Victoria and Ethan pulled his hand out to shake Victoria's.

"Deal!" he exclaimed and the two went back to their places as Ethan drank a sip from the bottle.

"Fucking hell! That's strong." he said, shaking his head.

"Uh, Damiano! Truth or dare?" asked Ethan.

"I'm starting off strong too, dare." he said and Ethan thought for a moment.

"Let me quickly say something to Alex." he said and got up taking me outside with him. "Can Damiano borrow one pair of your underwear?" 

I burst out laughing and said, "I love that thinking. And no need to ask, he will."

We walked back, both smirking and Ethan said, "Damiano, you can only wear Alex's underwear for the next hour."

"Motherfucker! Well, I've worn her underwear when we were in Paris." said Damiano and I hit my forehead whilst the others looked at him very questionably.

"What the fuck were you doing in my sister's underwear?" asked Thomas, laughing

"We were, uh, trying something?" he said, reluctantly and I hit my head on the wall.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now