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"Finally home." Alex said, jumping onto the sofa in the living room of their house and Victoria jumping with her.

"I haven't seen or been in this house for like three months." said Leo as he made his way to the kitchen. "I hope that my painting is still hanging in the kitchen. It is! Ha!"

"Good job remembering to put it back up." whispered Ethan to all of us.

We all laughed and started making our way to our rooms since it was one in the morning.

"Alright, well, I'll see you guys tomorrow." said Victoria, yawning as Ethan helped her with bringing her bags up the stairs whilst taking his too.

"I'm going to go too." said Thomas.

"And us." said Damiano.

"I need to inspect the house to make sure all my paintings are still up." said Leo, coming back from the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah, we changed some paintings, only one. We replaced some others but they weren't yours. We changed the others to some that Alex did. One is in the corridor where mine and Alex's room is placed and the other is in the living room. 

"'Mine and Alex's room' sorry you guys are moved in together and I didn't know?" exclaimed Leo.

"We asked Bob to renovate Damiano's room to fit us both. We gave him plans to do when we were gone for the tour and now I'm going to move into the room probably tomorrow." said Alex, tying her shoelace.

"Now I feel lonely." said Leo. "I mean you two got together, Vic got a girlfriend, which I still need to meet." he said, facing Victoria.

"Welcome to the club," said Ethan, putting an arm over Leo's shoulder. "We meet up every Wednesday in the garden at six to eat ice cream and cry over how lonely we are whilst watching cute couple videos."

"Who's in this club?" asked Leo.

"Just me and Ethan," said Thomas. "we're the only single people here and now you!"

"I'm up for crying and eating ice cream every Wednesday." said Leo and they all high fived

"Yeah we're going to go." said Damiano, Victoria and Alex.

"Are you ready to see our new room?" asked Damiano, his hand on the door handle once they were stood outside their new room.

The room was on the side of the house, away from others since Damiano always liked having privacy when working on lyrics so he took the room farthest from others.

"No, but who cares?" exclaimed Alex and Damiano laughed, opening the door and turning the lights on.

"Woah." whispered Alex, looking around.

"This doesn't even look like the same room." said Damiano.

The room was painted in a beige colour which is different from the grey colour it was painted before, the bed was a lot bigger and newer than the old one. There was a wooden closet, a wooden nightstand on each side of the bed, wooden flooring, a wooden dresser and lots of spaces on the wall for any photos or paintings. There was one wall painted black and the whole room, in general, had black accents to stand out yet match with the wall.

They moved on to the bathroom which was also in the same colour scheme as the bedroom: beige and black. Around the mirror, there were lights and they could be put on separately from the ceiling lights so you wouldn't waste so much light. The lights in both the bathroom as well as the bedroom could be dimmed and so, when they walked back into the bedroom, they did just that.

"OK, one, two -" started Alex but Damiano interrupted her.

"Fuck the countdown! It's a motherfucking bed!" exclaimed Damiano excitedly, jumping on the bed with Alex following him.

"I don't hate to admit it, these beds are better than the ones in Berlin." said Damiano, his eyes closed as he spread out on the bed.

"Those ones were so good, weren't they?" agreed Alex. "But this one is so much better, I feel like I'm on a literal cloud."

"We'll definitely put good use in this bed." said Damiano, winking at Alex who just smirked back.

"Oh we will." she said, biting her lip. She climbed on top of Damiano and started kissing him. She pulled away after a couple of minutes and said innocently, "I'm going to shower, after this flight I feel dirty."

She winked and walked off to the bathroom with some clothes from her suitcase, leaving Damiano wanting more.

"No! You can't do that to me!" exclaimed Damiano but Alex had already locked the door and put the water on.

He walked to where the suitcases were and started taking the clothes out and placing them on the empty dresser ready to put them in tomorrow. He decided to take his mind off of what had just happened to make time go by quicker. 

Soon, he heard the water stop and then minutes later Alex walked out of the bathroom in just a bra and underwear.

"Have you seen my hairbrush?" she asked Damiano and handed it to her since he found it in her suitcase.

"Thank you." she kissed his cheek yet Damiano was quick to turn his head so that her lips touched his instead of his cheek. They both soon melted into the kiss and forgot about everything around them.

Damiano lifted Alex and moved to the bed, climbing on top of her.

"Remember how I said that one day I'd take the lead?" asked Alex, not breaking the kiss as she switched positions so that she was on top. "Well, I'm fulfilling my promise." she whispered into Damiano's ear and kissed him again, smirking.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now