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"Ah, fuck." said Damiano, weakly as he woke up.

"Good morning." said Alex who had just walked out of the bathroom with wet hair.

"Not that good but morning." replied Damiano.

"I told you not to drink so much yesterday." said Alex as she sat down on the bed next to where Damiano lay as she took a cold, wet towel and placed it on his forehead.

"I should have listened to you." said Damiano as he tried to open his eyes and raise his head but Alex was quick to push his head back down knowing it'd cause him a lot of pain.

"I know, always listen to me. I need to go check up on Vic and Thomas because I'm sure Ethan isn't awake yet so he can't take care of them." said Alex and she stood from the bed, kissing Damiano on his cheek and then walked out of the bedroom.

She went to Thomas first knowing he'd be awake but then also so that she could spend more time with Victoria not having to worry to get to Thomas.

She went to Thomas' room yet was surprised to find him still asleep so she went to Victoria's room.

She saw Victoria trying to raise her head from her pillow when she walked in and she looked rather uncomfortable.

"Put your head down, dumbass." said Alex and Victoria gave up trying to raise her head.

"Good morning to you, too." said Victoria sarcastically.

"Oh, I apologize for not wanting you to be in pain." said Alex as she sat down on Victoria's bed passing her a fresh cup of water with ice.

"Thanks." said Victoria, smiling.

"No problem. Drink it and then tell me how you feel." said Alex as she stood up from the bed. "I'll be going downstairs to make my mother's special hangover thing to stop your guys' headaches, remember the music video is coming out tonight you can't be visibly hungover."

"Ooh, I forgot about that!" exclaimed Victoria excitedly.

"One of my favourite music videos of all time." said Alex as she walked out of the room.

The day was spent trying to get the three seem not too hungover by putting some makeup on them and Alex making her mother's special.

The day went by fast and soon the 'I Wanna Be Your Slave' music video premiere was only around one hour away.

Alex wanted to give the band some alone time when the song premiered and luckily her parents asked both Thomas and her over for dinner that exact day that the music video was released so it was good because Thomas rejected so Alex had no choice but to be there giving the band the time alone to celebrate.

It was sometimes hard being the sister and girlfriend of world-known rockstars. She always got comments under her Instagram posts calling her 'Damiano's girlfriend' or 'Thomas' sister' when she was so much more. This was what she was mostly known for and not what she wanted to be known for; her art and music. Of course, there were fans of her music and art that were there since before Eurovision and before Måneskin rose to fame and they were there for her art and music and she was really grateful for that but it still upset her that most people don't actually know her for what she wants to be known.

"I'll get going." said Alex as she walked into the living room to say goodbye to the band.

"Do you have to go?" asked Damiano.

"Yes, Thomas already rejected because of this so I need to go. Besides, you're a band and you deserve to celebrate this alone without me I mean it is your success after all. And, I promise to be watching at home with mine and Thomas' parents." said Alex.

"You were a big part of the success, remember that. You helped us come out with the whole vision for the music video." said Victoria.

"You're more helpful and supportive than any of my siblings ever were and I have so many more than you two have." said Ethan looking at Alex and Thomas

"Can you not like go there a little later, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem." said Damiano.

"Oh, yeah! And then I could go too! I want to see Trixie again, I haven't seen her in like months." said Thomas.

"I could go and call to see." said Alex.

"Yes! Go and if they say no I'll hunt them down and threaten them to move the dinner." exclaimed Victoria making everyone laugh.

It turned out the guests were meant to arrive an hour after the premiere started so it was possible for Alex to stay and for Thomas to also go.

"The guests arrive an hour after the music video so I can stay and Thomas you can come." said Alex.

"How can you not add lemon to your tea?" asked Ethan as he stared at Alex in shock when they were in the kitchen as she drank her tea.

"Oh, um, normally." said Alex sarcastically.

"We are not friends anymore." joked Ethan and Alex pretended to start crying.

"Oh but what am I going to do without you, Ethan, my beloved? I love you too much for you to leave me!" exclaimed Alex as she walked towards Ethan.

"I'm sorry, my heart belongs to another . . . man." said Ethan, dramatically.

The two burst into laughter after this.

"Well, that was a turn of events." said Alex.

"Yes, yes, the prince is gay. No place for a princess in his life." said Ethan dramatically.

"GUYS, THERE'S TWENTY-FIVE SECONDS! HURRY UP, SLOW COACHES." shouted Victoria from the living room where they were waiting for the premiere.

"Sorry! We were painting each other's nails!" exclaimed Alex sarcastically as her and Ethan ran to the living room.

"Yes, a pretty neon pink colour!" exclaimed Ethan.

They got there just in time for the ten-second countdown to start. They sat down as the countdown reached five.

"Ooh! It started!" exclaimed Thomas.

A yellow light shone brightly on one side of Damiano's face and then the band members got shown in turn with a red light shining on them.

"Marry me, all of you. Just not Thomas, I don't want to marry my brother. If you weren't then I'd marry you but let's not get into detail." said Alex as the four laughed.

Then came the part where Victoria liked the hanging apple and then Damiano singing along with the song as a hand held his face and smeared lipstick all over it.

Then Ethan and Damiano in a fish-eye and Thomas and Victoria.

The music video ended up being really good and the comments of people on the premiere gave the sense that they were very impressed with it.

"That was epic." said Alex once the premiere finished.

"It was, wasn't it?!" exclaimed Victoria.

"Congratulations, you four. Come here." said Alex as she went to hug all four of them at once.

"One word: your hugs." said Ethan.

"Those were two words, Edgar." said Alex.

"For me, they're one." said Ethan making the rest laugh.

"Time for dinner!" exclaimed Thomas. "I'll go get changed and then we can go."

"And I'll be waiting right here because I don't have anything better to do." said Alex, shaking her head.

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