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Måneskin performed that night again. Although it wasn't as good as the first performance as Damiano did miss out some parts for the audience to fill in, it was still amazing.

The joy everyone felt that evening was absolutely undescribable.

Later that evening the band got interviewed and then, after that, they returned to the boys' hotel room to celebrate.

"I'm serving alcohol!" exclaimed Damiano as he rushed towards the mini fridge.

Ethan just sat on the sofa and brushed his hands through his hair. Alex noticed this and went to sit next to him as Thomas, Damiano and Victoria shouted the lyrics to 'Zitti e buoni' at the top of their lungs.

"Hey, you good?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Yeah, it's just we won. We won Eurovision. That's not just some little school talent contest but Eurovision. I just - I can't believe it." he said, looking at Alex sideways.

"It's incredible, isn't it? How one can accomplish their dreams without their life falling apart." said Alex, a small smile on her lips as she looked up at her best friend.

"It is," he said and he look Alex's hand into both of his. "You'll accomplish your dreams one day too."

It was one in the morning and the only sober people in the room, to take care of them, were Alex and Thomas. Although Thomas was a bit tipsy but not drunk, drunk.

"I - I still can't believe we won! I'm so happy!" shouted Victoria as she tripped on her way to sit next to Alex.

"Well you won't be so happy in the morning when you wake up with a pounding headache." said Alex, making Thomas laugh.

Damiano and Ethan wete so drunk that if you didn't know they had alcohol you'd probably think they were psychopaths.

"Cazzo di mal di testa." said Victoria.

"Yeah, tell your future self that, Vic." said Alex.

"My future self will be hot," said Ethan, his voice shaking from how much he had drunk. "I already am."

"Me too. I'm so hot. Look at me." said Damiano, checking himself out in the mirror. Alex stood up and walked to stand behind Damiano.

"Oh yes, very hot." she said playfully.

"Oh! Thank you. You too, sweetie." said Damiano, pecking Alex on her cheek.

"Oh I am so going to make fun of you tomorrow," said Alex. "Well, I always do after you've sobered up." she said, laughing evily.

"Oh I just remebered! My dead hamster that supposedly died because of natural causes." said Thomas, looking at his sister with raised eyebrows and arms crossed on his chest.

"Oh alright! When we were ten, one day you went out with mum and dad was at work so I went to see your hamster and he lookd dirty so I took a deep bowl, filled it with water, took it to my room and put him in there. I washed it and when I saw I had nothing to dry it with I went to the bathroom for a towel and it took me a while because I was debating whether I should use yours or mine and when I came back he was at the bottom of the bowl. I picked him up and it turned out that he died. So, I quickly put him back into his cage and then blamed his death on natural causes. I'm sorry, please don't kill me." said Alex quickly.

"Hmph, murderer." muttered Thomas as he walked away from Alex to stop Damiano from covering his whole face with Victoria's red lipstick.

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