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The next days of the holiday went by fast and with a lot of fun and soon it was time for Alex and Damiano to go back home to Rome.

"I can't believe how fast this week went by." said Alex as Damiano and her walked into the airport.

They had booked night flights so that paparazzi wouldn't get in the way as Alex hated attention and it caused her to be uncomfortable.

The flight went by fast for Alex as she fell asleep, resting her head on Damiano's shoulder. The plane flew through the dark night clouds as the sky lit up from the occasional thunder that could be seen through the window covered with crystal raindrops.

The plane landed in Rome and Damiano knew it was time to wake Alex up.

"Alex." he whispered as he shook her gently.

She lifted her head from his shoulder and closed her eyes from the sudden light.

"What?" she asked quietly as she rubbed her eyes.

"We've landed." answered Damiano as he stood up to get their bags.

"Ugh, I want to go back." she said as she put her shoes on and brushed her hair with the brush she took out of her pocket.

"Me too but good things end fast." he said as he sat back down with Alex's backpack in his hands.

The captain gave one last announcement and then people started exiting the plane. The check-out went by fast as the airport was almost empty because it was one in the morning and most people had their flights in the morning, day or evening and not in the middle of the night.

They went out of the airport to the car that they left in the airport parking for people going on holiday and wanting to leave their car there. They put their suitcases in the back of the car and got in.

The roads weren't too empty but luckily there was no traffic so they got home pretty quick, taking them only twenty minutes. Damiano and Alex were surprised to still see the light on in the living room. As soon as Damiano parked the car they got out and the front door of the house opened and Thomas, Victoria and Ethan ran out of it.

Victoria hugged Alex and Alex hugged her back tightly.

"God, I've missed you so much. I have no idea how you grew up with Thomas, he can be so annoying." said Victoria and Thomas flipped her off as he and Ethan hugged Damiano.

"Trust me, there was more than one time that I planned his murder as a child." said Alex, making everyone laugh but Thomas just moved his hand to make it face Alex.

Alex went forward to hug Ethan and Thomas as Victoria went to hug Damiano.

"I'd date you just to get hugged by you every day. Sorry, Damiano, I'm taking your girlfriend." said Ethan and everyone laughed.

"You don't need to date me for me to hug you every day, dumbass." laughed Alex. "We'll make a pact, every day I give you one hug, alright?"

"My life just keeps getting better, doesn't it?" asked Ethan as he looked at the sky as if thanking God.

Everyone laughed as they made their way inside, Damiano carried both their suitcases whilst Alex took the two other smaller bags they had in which one had presents for them.

"I'll go take these upstairs. Alex, come with them. I need to ask you something" said Damiano and Alex ran after him.

"Coming." she said as she joined him on the stairs.

Damiano had been thinking about asking Alex to move into his room as it was bigger and right now they had separate rooms. He thought they could just buy a bigger bed and then just change the room around a bit.

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