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Damiano took Alex to her room and promised to come back to her once the food arrived.

"What happened?" asked Victoria as Damiano entered the kitchen and sat on the chair opposite Victoria.

"Alessio happened." said Damiano.

The three gasped.

"He came here?" asked Thomas in a hushed voice.

"Yes, he did. He's not here anymore though." said Damiano.

"What happened?" asked Ethan.

"I didn't see the whole thing but I saw Alessio and he was nearing Alex when I came." said Damiano.

"Oh Lord. She's still so young and she already has to go through something like that! I mean she's a ninteen year old, well twenty in December." exclaimed Victoria.

"I'll go check on her." said Thomas, standing up.

"Me too!" said Victoria.

"Wait, no. Let Thomas go for now, it's better if there's not a lot of people." said Damiano and Victoria agreed.

Thomas knocked gently on Alex's door and after hearing a faint 'come in' he walked inside her room.

He found her laying in her bed on the side and staring out into the open window.

"Hey." said Thomas softly as he approached Alex.

She got up and sat herself against the headboard with her knees brought up the her chin.

"Hey." she answered quietly.

Thomas got onto her bed and sat down next to her.

"Are you OK?" he asked. "OK, that was a daft question. Ignore it."

Alex chuckled and smiled slightly at her brother.

"As I was saying," said Thomas now smiling after seeing his sister smile. "Just know that as long as you're here with all of us, Alessio can't do anything as we will always be one big family. And when you and Damiano get married then quite literally we will be. Well we can always adopt Ethan and Victoria."

Alex started laughing and joked saying, "Who said me and Damiano will get married?"

"Oh please, you two are literally perfect for on another." sais Thomas.

"Since you say it that way." said Alex.

"I'm always correct." said Thomas.

"Do you think she's OK?" asked Victoria.

"Vic, imagine you had a toxic ex-boyfriend. I don't think you'd be OK if he just appeared on your doorstep out of nowhere, wanting you back." said Ethan.

"I definitely wouldn't." said Victoria.

"It just frustrates me so much that people like that even exist." said Damiano.

"She'll be fine. We'll find a way to get Alessio out of all our lives once and for all." said Ethan as he hugged Damiano from the side.

"Yeah! We will!" exclaimed Victoria as she stood up and also hugged Damiano.

"I just want him to stop being so . . . him!" said Alex. "Can't he just realise that he lost me as soon as I found him having sex with that other woman?!"

"I know, Alex, I know," said Thomas as he hugged his sister. "We'll find a way to get out thia whole situation and for Alessio to disappear out of our lives once and for all."

"Hopefully." said Alex.

Eventhough with everything that happened that day, Alex felt safe in her brother's arms.

A/N -
okay so like the concert yesterday was bomb. i always watch 'polsat super hit festiwal' every year with my parents but this year i was especially excited as you all probably know why. but the universe obviously hates me.

now i can't rant about this to people who i know personally so i'll say this to you guys.

when damiano kissed thomas i was freaking out as obivously poland is a very homophobic country with 'LGBTQIA+ free zones' so i was happy to see something like that happen. and then, damiano started his INCREDIBLE speech and i was like "this is how it's supposed to be! and not some pathetic homophobes running around the world, destroying lives thinking that they're so cool!" and my dad is VERY homophobic so we got into a big fight about the kiss and speech.

i haven't come out so my parents don't know i'm bi but my dad said "i wish hitler would be alive now to kill all these people. back then there were no people like that, where is he now?" and when i tell you i was hurt, I MEAN IT.

basically, unawarely, my dad said that he wished for hitler to kill me because by 'those' people he means people part of the LGBTQIA+ community which i am part of.

#westanpolishparents #welovelife #theuniverselovesme   -   note my sarcasm.

just when i thought life couldn't get any worse. i actually fucking hate it here but i'm grateful for all of you. ❤️

i'll probably delete this a/n as i'm not a massive fan of oversharing on social media. 🤍

sorry for this shit chapter but it's all i'm motivated to write at this moment. i hope to update tomorrow but it might not happen.

remember to be proud of who you are if you feel you are in a safe and comfortable position to do so. 🏳️‍🌈❤️

love you all lots,
have a great sunday, my loves. ❤️

P.S - thank you for 64,000 reads! ❤️❤️

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