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Alex and Damiano were sitting on the bench, laughing and talking.

"I can't believe you did that." laughed Damiano.

"Yup, he was crying for a good two hours and mum couldn't calm him down." said Alex laughing.

Alex was telling Damiano the story of when she and Thomas were nine and she accidently threw his favourite teddy into the fireplace when they were playing hide and seek.

"I would too if it was my teddy. I remember I had one called Tessy." said Damiano.

"I used to have one called Lunar." said Alex. "I got her on holiday in Spain when I was four, I think. She was a sloth holding a moon and it had this purple night hat on."

"Mine was a elephant. It had all these fruits on it's back that actually smelt when I first got it." said Damiano. "My parents probably still have it somewhere hidden."

"Mine too." laughed Alex.

"Have you ever though about having kids?" asked Damiano, and after recieving a confused glance from Alex he carried on, "you know, now that we're on the topic of our parents still having our childhood toys."

"Not really, I'm more concerned about other things right now. I don't want a child now definately but maybe in the future. What about you?" asked Alex, smiling at Damiano.

"I'd give you the exact same response." he said, smiling as he let out smoke from his mouth.

Alex reached into her pocket and took out a box of cigarette's along with a lighter. She lifted a cigarette in her mouth and then lit it.

"I remember in school as children they always used to teach us not to smoke when you're older but now I'm like, 'ahaha would you look what I'm doing now, bitch?' Funny how we grow." joked Damiano.

"I remember when my parents used to tell me and Thomas as children not to smoke and now, look, both your children smoke. Oh, how sorry I am." said Alex after she let out some smoke from her mouth.

The two sat in silence as both of them let out smoke from their mouths, yet it wasn't a uncomfortable or awkward silence, it a rather comfortable one at that. They both listened as the planes started and landed, waiting for Franco to arrive and for the three others to come back.

"Here you are!" exclaimed someone, it was Ethan.

"We've been looking for you everywhere!" exclaimed Victoria as she sat down next to Alex.

"Oh yes, please do take a seat on my hand." said Alex sarcastically.

"Oh! Sorry!" said Victoria as she quickly moved off Alex's hand.

"It's fine."

"Oh look! There's Franco!" said Thomas as he pointed at a car that had just pulled up with a middle-aged man, his grey hair in a low ponytail, getting out.

The five stood up and ran to him, dragging their suitcases behind them.

"Here you are, you five!" said Franco as he thanked the driver with a nod of his head. "Right, lets get going, shall we?"

The six of them walked into the airport and through all the security without a problem, just stopping to take pictures with fans who asked for them.

Soon, they were boarding the plane.

"This plane looks welcoming." said Alex, as she walked up the metal stairs.

The four others turned to look at her with a confused expression.

"What? In the one on the way here, the seats were hard as fuck, my precious hundred dollar butt cheeks did not like that." said Alex, putting her hands up as in surrender.

"I mean, she's got a point." said Thomas.

"A very good one at that." said Alex, winking.

The five all laughed as they boarded the plane and then they tried to find their seats.

"Sibling goals! We're sitting next to eachother!" said Alex in an overly sweet manner.

"Oh I am so excited." said Thomas blankly with no emotion.

"Thanks, I love you too." said Alex, flapping her hand in a 'it's nothing' or 'oh, stop it' manner.


i'm going to be busy for a while like a couple hours with schookwork but as soon as i'm done i'll try and update my one shot book!

also, i've been thinking about unpublishing my ethan fic and then putting it back up once this story is done. i think i'll do that.

but, for now, good-bye besties, love y'all! ❤️😩

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