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"Oh, did I wake you up?" asked Damiano over the phone as he saw Alex open her eyes.

"What? No, no!" said Alex and then she smiled at the sight of Damiano.

It was the start of her seventh day at her grandparents' house and soon she was going back home.

Her and Damiano had stayed up almost all night calling and laughing together for the past seven days and then when Alex fell asleep Damiano would also try to get some sleep but he was still careful to watch for Alex. Thomas and Aurora had met for coffee and since then have been going out a lot together and spending lots of tine together.

Alex spent the days painting art out in the enourmous garden and wondering the beautiful forest that their garden led to. She got inspired terribly much by the landscape around her, she felt like she was in a fairytale.

"That's good. How did you sleep, love?" asked Damiano as he got out of his bed.

"Good, you?" asked Alex as she took a drink of water from the bottle on her nightstand.

"Great." he answered.

"I actually had a dream about you, or rather a nightmare." said Alex.

"Go on." said Damiano.

"Well, it wasn't the best dream I've had. You kind of broke up with me, no, you did break up with me." said Alex.

"Well, at least we know that won't actually happen." said Damiano and Alex smiled.

"Really?" asked Alex.

"Of course, you mean too much to me and I wouldn't be able to even imagine my life without you and I wouldn't forgive myself if I ever lost you or let you go." said Damiano, Alex looked down, blushing slightly.

"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself either and I could never imagine my life without you." replied Alex.

"I love you." said Damiano, smiling.

"I love you too, Dam." answered Alex.

The two talked before Alex got called down for breakfast and they had to end the call.

"I'll call you in the evening, OK love?" asked Damiano.

"Sure. Bye-bye. Love you." said Alex as she waved at Damiano through the screen.

"Bye-bye. Love you too, darling." he replied and they both ended the call.

Alex rushed down the stairs to ger her breakfast and then go sit outside in the garden to eat.

"Good morning!" exclaimed Martina as Alex entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." said Alex, smiling.

"Your breakfast is that one," said Martina pointing to some toast on a plate. "or there, Thomas left without eating."

Alex looked at Thomas' food, it was cereal. She decided to take toast as she wasn't a huge fan of cereal.

She thanked her grandma and left for the garden to her grandad. The kitchen was joined with the living room and there were glass sliding doors to the majestic garden outside which were almost always open except in the winter when it was colder than usual.

When calling, Alex and Damiano had decided to practice a song together to get the time to fly by Alex playing 'Midnight Sky' by Miley Cyrus on her electric guitar and Damiano singing it. They had decided that once Alex and Thomas came back they would record it and post it on Instagram to get the fans' opinions and maybe let out a full cover on Alex's youtube channel which she hasn't posted on in a good year or even more. She figured that since Måneskin had gained more popularity, fans would want to see more of them so she decided to start posting on her youtube channel again. She had originaly created the channel for covers and she posted covers of songs she liked but now she planned to make it a joint account with Damiano so that he would sing and she would play, sometimes she would also sing.

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