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"Oh! I just saw a jellyfish!" exclaimed Alex excitedly, as she went up to the surface for air.

"Where?" asked Damiano.

They were in the sea, far from the shore as they enjoyed the warm sunlight and crystal clear water for the last time that day.

"Follow me." said Alex as she dived underwater, Damiano following her as she swam further into the sea.

Soon, she pointed at a glowing creature in the water and Damiano soon saw it to indeed be a jellyfish. It glowed in the water like a torch, soon it swam away from Damiano and Alex.

"Shame, it was so beautiful with its glowing body." said Alex once they were up at the surface again.

"Not more beautiful than you though." said Damiano as he looked at Alex.

She looked up at him, smiled and she kissed him on the lips slowly.

"You're beautiful too." she said, smiling.

They ate dinner in the hotel buffet and then went up to their room to get ready for a party the hotel was hosting.

"I'm going to do my makeup in the bathroom," said Alex as she got off the bed. "You better do my eyeliner though."

"Ay, ay captain." joked Damiano and Alex laughed.

She reached the bathroom with Damiano following.

"What do you think you're doing, mister? I'm using the bathroom." she said.

"I'm shaving my beard, miss." he answered as he took shaving cream out. He put the shaving cream on the bathroom counter and then took his phone out playing Måneskin's version of 'Somebody Told Me'. He sang along with the song under his breath.

"I'm breakin' my back just to know your name. Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game." he sang as he applied shaving cream to his face.

Alex wasn't bothered by this as Damiano usually put on songs that he sang along to.

By the end of the song, the two were singing along at the top of their lungs with the music up to full volume. It was chaotic and they just prayed no one would complain about it.

"If my voice goes, it's all your fault." said Alex as she finished off her makeup.

"What? How!?" exclaimed Damiano. "You were the one who decided to sing along!"

"Well, you started to sing in the first place." said Alex, smugly.

"Whatever," said Damiano as he dried his face with a towel. "You're going to have to sit on the countertop if you want me to do your eyeliner."

Alex nodded as she took her eyeliner and jumped up to sit on the counter. She was just in one of Damiano's shirts and only had her underwear on underneath whilst Damiano just had his boxers on with no shirt.

Damiano took the eyeliner as he went to stand in between Alex's legs. He opened the eyeliner and took Alex's face into his hands and she closed her eyes. She soon felt a cold pressure around her eyes.

"Like this?" asked Damiano and Alex opened her eyes and turned around to look herself in the mirror.

She smiled and said, "yes, it looks perfect."

Damiano smiled back as Alex closed her eyes and he started on her other eye.

They soon were ready for the party so they went down. It was a casual party where people got drunk and started singing along with songs and dancing with other drunk strangers.

"The air was so humid in there." said Alex as her and Damiano reached their room.

"And sweaty. It was humid and sweaty." summarized Damiano and Alex laughed.

"It was. Lucky we only sat and were outside most the time." said Alex as she went to look herself in the mirror.

Damiano came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he put his head on her shoulder.

"Can you take my necklace off?" asked Alex quietly and Damiano agreed.

He unhooked the thin golden chain and took it off, placing a kiss on her neck. He put the necklace away into Alex's jewellery box that she bought the other day and then came back to Alex and started placing kisses on her neck. The lights being dimmed really didn't help Alex's need for him that got created from just kisses.

"Damiano." Alex let out air as she closed her eyes from lust.

"We've got to use this free time, darling. We're going on tour soon, there won't be anytime then." said Damiano smirking at the state he always gets Alex in.

He started sucking lightly at just the right places on Alex's neck as she moved her head for him to have better access. Alex's back soon got pushed against the wall as the kisses got more passionate, with more love.

The kisses got harsher and harsher as seconds passed and soon Damiano lifted Alex up and went to the bed, still not breaking the kiss.

He hung above her as Alex bit on his bottom lips and he groaned. 

That night, breaths joined, bodies mixed, voices echoed and unimaginable feelings were felt.


finally back to this story, i missed it but now that i know where things are going i'm back to daily updates although sometimes i may not have the time to do daily updates but frequent ones will always be here!

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