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[EPISODE FOURTEEN, SEASON FIVE OF FRIENDS SPOILERS AHEAD, just warning for anyone who wants to watch the show.]

It had been a couple days after the gig and Alex was laying in bed whilst Damiano was at the shops.

She had asked him to go buy her some chocolate, marshmellows, a tomato and some lemonade. Naturally, he had agreed.

Alex was lying in bed as she was re-watching one of her favourite shows: friends. She had just started the episode where everyone found out about Chandler and Monica. She was just watching the part where Phoebe found out and she was freaking out. Alex laughed as it got to the part where Rachel and Phoebe started jumping around with Ross when he entered the apartment to stop him from seeing Chandler and Monica.

She saw the door open and paused the show. She smiled as she saw Damiano walking towards her with a bag.

"Anything else I can do, love?" he asked as he sat down next to Alex who was sitting up.

"It's perfect, you don't need to do anything else." said Alex as she hugged Damiano.

He smiled and hugged her back tighter. Lately, they hadn't been spending as much time together during the day as the band was filming the music video for 'I Wanna Be You Slave' and they weren't home for most of the day.

Alex took the bag and took the chocolate out. She opened it and asked Damiano if he wanted some but after he refused, saying he had already ate his own on the way home, she started eating it.

"Ugh, I feel like someone is stabbing me on one side of my stomach then they're dragging the knife to the other side and pulling it out. Then the skin magically grows back within seconds and they stab me again and drag the knife again. And it just keeps repeating itself." whined Alex.

"Try getting some sleep, love." said Damiano as he wrapped his hands around Alex's waist. They had both lied down, Alex placing her head on Damiano's chest as he played with her hair.

"I'll try." Damiano played with Alex's hair with one hand and with the other he was holding her by the waist.

"I'll be here when you wake up, dear. Don't worry." he said and Alex smiled.

He kissed her hair and went back to playing with her hair as Alex positioned herself better and closed her eyes so that she could try to get atleast some sleep as she couldn't get any during the night as her stomach wouldn't stop hurting.

She relaxed under Damiano's touch and soon her breathing slowed signifying that she had fallen asleep.

To Damiano, she looked like an angel. His angel. Her dark brown hair fell on her face as her eyes were closed, her soft, warn hands were hugging the arm that was wrapped around her waist and her chest moving up and down slowly as her breathing calmed.

He knew how much pain she must have been in as during the night she couldn't get any sleep eventhough she kept taking painkillers. He wished he could take all the pain from her but he knew he couldn't so he thought it was best to just be there if she wanted anything.

When Alex opened her eyes, she felt Damiano's chest under her head rising up and down. She looked back to see his eyes closed as his warm, minty breath touched her neck.

She could smell his comforting smell: cigarettes and cologne. It was a weird combination but it smelt extremely comforting to Alex. She looked at the clock on her nightstand, it was nearing six. The sun was still shining outside as it was the end of June and Summer was right around the corner.

She tried to move up yet, when she did, Damiano awoke next to her.

He smiled when he saw Alex and said, "what time is it?"

"Five fifty-seven." said Alex.

Damiano nodded and he started rubbing his eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Alex, laughing slightly.

"I did sleep perfectly well. Did you?" he asked.

"Your sleep idea was definitely a good one." said Alex, smiling. Damiano smiled back and he kissed Alex's forehead.

The plait he had tried to make right before he also fell asleep was still in Alex's hair. She had gotten up to see it in the mirror and laughed.

"It's a little wonky." she joked.

"I swear that isn't my fault. It's because of the way you were positioned." said Damiano, raising his hands in surrender.

"I'm only joking. It looks very beautiful." she replied.

"Come here and I'll finish it." said Damiano as he patted the space next to him on the bed.

Alex climbed back into the bed and sat in front of Damiano. He took some hair into his hands and started braiding it.

Moments later he said, "do you have a hairtie?"

Alex looked at her wrist on took one of the hairband off, she passed it to Damiano and he tied the hair.

She then felt him take the other side of her hair and braiding it. He asked for a hairtie again and then he tied the ends.

He took the small mirror from Alex's nightstand and positioned it  so that she could see the back.

"Oh that's so pretty!" exclaimed Alex as she took the mirror in her hands and looked at herself from the front.

Damiano had made two loose plaits and tied it together. Some strands in the front, including her fringe obviously, didn't make it into the braids but that just made the whole thing seem better.

Alex hugged Damiano and he smiled.

"I have something for you." said Damiano.

He got out of the bed and went to look for something in his nightstand.

Earlier, when he was coming home, he had seen a very beautiful silver necklace with an emerald crystal in the glass of a jewelry shop. He had instantly fell in love with it and decided to buy it for Alex to cheer her up.

He took a navy satin box out of the wooden nightstand on his side of the bed and then went to sit next to Alex. He handed her the box and she took it gently.

"What's this?" she asked, as she looked at the box and then looked up at Damiano.

"Open it." he whispered.

She gently opened the box, careful not to break it and when she saw the necklace inside her hand found it's way to cover her mouth as she gasped softly.

She looked at the necklace in awe and then looked at Damiano.

"Oh, but, what was the occasion?" she asked as she admired Damiano's gift.

"I saw it on display on my way home and I thought it would cheer you up." said Damiano smiling.

"Oh, Damiano, it's beautiful." she exclaimed as she hugged Damiano quickly. She hid her face in the crook of his neck he hugged her back. "Thank you." she whispered.

"Anything for you, my love." Damiano whispered in Alex's ear.

She pulled away and looked at the necklace, carefully taking it out of its box. She lifted the necklace in front of her and looked at it admirably.

"Would like me to put it on for you?" he asked and Alex nodded.

"Yes please." he moved Alex's hair out of the way as she turned around the face away from him and he put the thin silver chain around her neck and then clipped it together at the back.

"Oh, Damiano. I love it. I fucking love it. Thank you." said Alex as she looked herself in the small mirror.

"No problem, darling. You deserved it, you've been working so hard with you artwork for University lately, your eating and just everything in general. You deserved a treat." he said and Alex hugged him again.

"Words can't possibly explain what I'm feeling right now." said Alex.

"I don't need words, my love. As long as you're here with me, I'm the happiest man to ever be alive."

as promised, a cute chapter because i need some happiness in my life right now. <3

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