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"I bought the Chinese!" exclaimed Damiano as he walked in Alex's room.

"The Chinese is here? I'm out!" said Thomas and he ran out of the Alex's room.

Alex stood up excitedly and quickly went to sit on the wooden floor as Damiano sat next to her and gave out both his and her food.

"You are not going to eat Chinese without chopsticks." said Alex as she saw Damiano with a fork.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to use chopsticks!" exclaimed Damiano, laughing.

"OK," said Alex as she broke Damiano's chopsticks apart and then handed them to him. "Put them like this."

She went through holding a chopstick step by step with Damiano once but he ended up sending one of his chopsticks flying across Alex's room.

"OK, and now push your finger up and down." said Alex as she showed Damiano.

He started moving his fingers up and down and then accidently he sent the chopstick flying behind him.

"How the fuck did you make the chopstick end up on the windowsill?" said Alex blankly in more of a statement manner rather than a question manner.

Damiano stood up and went to get his chopstick and sat down opposite Alex.

"Now, lets maybe not try to kill you or me." said Alex.

"Agreed, I don't really fancy dying today." said Damiano, laughing.

The two ate and then Alex went through the process of holding a chopstick and then moving it up and down at least three times, lots of laughter included.

"And now move your finger up." said Alex.

Not even a second later the door to her room swung open and Ethan, Thomas along with Victoria fell on eachother.

"OH MY GOD PLEASE NO." shouted Ethan as he covered his eyes with his whole hand.

"Woah. OK, we thought you were doing something way worse." said Thomas.

At first, Alex and Damiano were confused but then they realised.

"You nasty bitch!" exclaimed Alex as she laughed.

"I'm sorry! If you were walking past and heard 'And now move your finger up' when I'd be there with my girlfriend then I bet you'd think the same!" said Thomas.

"You don't have a girlfriend." said Alex blankly.

Thomas sighed saying, "I know! Don't remind me."

Victoria laughed out loud and then everyone turned to her.

"Oh, yeah! Laugh! But guess what? You're single as well!" exclaimed Thomas. "Ha!"

"Not - not quite." said Victoria shyly.

"What?" said all four.

"I - I was meant to tell you when we were eating but I didn't quite get a chance, you know Iris? The girl that I said we put in the music video? Yeah well, we're kind of together." said Victoria, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Woah, that's a lot to handle." said both Alex and Thomas and then they glared at eachother.

Alex quickly snaped out of her trance between Thomas and abruptly stood up to hug Victoria.

"That's amazing, Vic!" she exclaimed as she hugged Victoria.

"Vic has a girlfriend! Vic has a girlfriend! Vic has a girlfriend!" exclaimed Ethan, jumping around. "Aha! My best friend has a girl friend!"

"Yes I do!" exclaimed Victoria joining Ethan in his jumping.

"We should have a tomorrow evening. You know to celebrate Damiano and Alex getting together and Vic and that girl Iris." said Thomas.

"Ooh! Good idea!" said Damiano.

"Tell Iris to come!" exclaimed Alex.

"I'll go call her." said Victoria as she got her phone out of her pocket.

Alex looked at Victoria's phone and saw somethinf familiar.

"Hey! That's my phonecase!" exclaimed Alex.

Victoria just smiled innocently and said, "Is it really, Alex, is it?"

"Vic, this questioning thing won't work anymore." said Alex.

"OK, fine, it is! But I can still use it, right?" said Victoria.

"Of course." said Alex.

A/N -

I got so caught up with my essays I only finished them at nine and by then I was absolutely exhausted and just couldn't bring myself to update this book as I didn't want the chapter to be absolute shit. So, I decided to wait and then write this chapter today!

Have a great day! 😩❤️

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