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The sun shone through the curtains like a torchlight. As it hit Alex's face she slowly opened her eyes.

"Why do mornings have to exist? Can't I just like, I don't know, sleep all day?" she said to herself as she got out of her bed.

She went to pull her curtains apart when a knock came from her door.

She groaned and went to open the door.

"You awake?" asked Victoria when Alex opened the door.

"No, I'm sleeping." said Alex blankly, sarcasm filling her words like water in a cup.

"OK, that was a dumb question. But, just so you know, Malthe is arriving today from Denmark. He'll be here around twelve." said Victoria.

"OK, so you got me out of bed just to tell me this?" asked Alex.

"Well, yes?" replied Victoria, smiling.

"Ugh, fuck you." answered Alex as she shut the door on Victoria and could hear her laugh outside.

"Malthe, how good it is - uh to see you." said Alex, trying to be kind.

"You too, princess." he said and Alex raised her eyebrows at the nickname but decided to ignore it.

"You've - uh - grown?" said Alex, not really knowing what to say. She didn't like being called princess especially by someone like Malthe.

"Well of course I have! I'm a man now." he said, pushing out his chest.

"Listen - um - I need to go and finish off some university work, we'll talk later, OK?" asked Alex. She didn't actually have any work to do, she had already finished all she need to do for the next two weeks, but she wanted to get away from Malthe and his uncomfortable aura.

Malthe had brown eyes and dirty blonde hair, he wore black glasses and always carried around a gold pocket watch like the one's from the olden days.

It was afternoon and Malthe had arrived and everything was in a rush.

"Damiano! It's good to see you, man," said Malthe, hitting Damiano's shoulder to which Damiano smiled a tight smile. "Hasn't grown to be so hot? Do you think I have a chance?"

"No," said Damiano. "She's not into guys who call girls objects, ahe an active feminist and you're obviously not because you called Victoria an object. That's not really something you forget."

It was true, Alex was an active feminist. Before this whole pandemic she would always go our for protests for women's rights and she would go out to public to speak about how poorly women are treated in this age and that if she was working then her male fellow employer would be getting payed more than her just because he was a male and ahe was a woman, she would always talk back to anyone being rude to any woman or calling ang woman a disrespectful name.

"Oh come on, man! She must have forgotten by now!" said Malthe. "I'll take my shot with her."

Damiano could feel anger bubble up inside of him but he decided to stay calm; Alex would never let someone like Malthe take her over and ahe would never date him. Hopefully.

Days passed like cars on a motorway and soon it had been a week since Malthe had arrived. Malthe and Alex had actually been getting close and she even laughed at his daft pick up lines.

The only reason Alex was actually spending time with Malthe was because Victoria had asked her too as that would take hss attention off her and Victoria always felt uncomfortable around him, so did Alex but she decided not to mention it and just go along.

It turned out Malthe wasn't actually too bad. She didn't like him but he had grown up a bit. She still really did hate him with every single bone in her body but she tried not to show it.

Whenever Malthe and Alex were together Damiano could feel his blood boil and the worst thing was that he couldn't do anything about it.

One day, he was is the living room since Victoria, Ethan and Thomas were in the studio just rehearsing and he saw Alex and Malthe in the garden. They were laughing, really hard.

At that moment, Damiano had realised he was going to release 'For Your Love' before it was too late. And he's going to tell the three now.

He's been thinking about the music video for weeks now and he had a good idea. He had already contaced Franco about it and it was all ready and set for whenever he wanted it.
They're going to practice, film and release it.

He was hoping it'd be out in a couple weeks hopefully that wouldn't be too late.

A/N -
Literally been listening to 'torna a casa' and 'VENT'ANNI' on repeat one after the other since yesterday morning.

Best songs to ever exist, fight me if you think different.

Also, I know 'for your live' doesn't actually have a music video so I thought of one myself that I though matched the song! ❤️

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