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The five froze in their tracks. Hopefully it wouldn't be a repeat of what a few months ago.

One day, a couple weeks after Måneskin won Sanremo, these crazy fans tried to get into the house for a picture.

They hoped it wouldn't happen again.

But as the gate opened, five middle-aged people walked in.

They were each of their parents. All their parents were very close with each other and always had dinner together every Saturday at different places every week.

The five stood shocked at their parents and then the parents shouted, "SURPRISE!"

This seemed to awaken them as they all ran towards their parents.

They hadn't seen their parents in months because of everything going on and they had last seen each other on new years when everyone went to their parents' house for a celebration and were on a zoom call with all the other bandmates and their parents.

They all hugged their parents.

"Ma!" said Alex as she ran towards her parents. "Pa!" She and Thomas both hugged their parents and half an hour later everyone was sitting at the table, drinking champagne in the cool shade.

"Sadly, Jacopo and Alice couldn't make it, they said they were stuck in terrible traffic and the navigation told them it would take three and a half hours to get here because of a terrible car crash." said Rosa, Damiano's mother, referring to Damiano's older brother and his fiancé.

"Maybe we'll see them another time." said Damiano simply.

"What made you guys come here?" asked Victoria, excitedly.

"Well, we haven't seen eachother in ages! And you had just won Eurovision and we haven't had the chance to properly congratulate you!" said Victoria's father, hugging her on the side.

"Exactly. When we were watching it and they announced you won we were crying with you." said Andrea, Thomas' and Alex's dad, he was always the type to joke around. Everyone started laughing.

"No need to expose us like that, Andrea!" said Ethan's dad as he and the others laughed.

Andrea was a entrepreneur whilst Alesandra, their mother, was a homemaker.

By the time that the parents left, it was already dark.

With last goodbyes, they left leaving the five alone.

"OK, that was not expected." said Ethan once all the parents left.

"Definitely not." agreed Alex.

"I'm not complaining though. It was nice to seem them all after months." said Victoria, as the five started cleaning up.

They had all changed after the parents arrived, Alex put on a light cream coloured lace trim top with spaghetti straps and dark burgundy loose suit trousers.

It was a big surprise when everyone's parents came as none of them had called them when they were at Eurovision but it turned out to be all part of the plan. Each mother had obviously brought homemade food, stocking then up for the next month or even more.

The five cleaned up, the moon up in the sky with the lamps around their garden on, as they listened to Ukraine's entry for this year: Shum.

It was one of their favourite songs, apart from theirs obviously.

"You should do your dance, Thomas." said Damiano, laughing. The song was about a minute from the chorus, the perfect time for Thomas to get ready.

"OK, but, Alex, you're doing it with me." he said and Alex, who was cleaning the table with a cloth, minding her own business, looked up at him.

"What? Why me? I'm just minding my own business, I am not invovled." she said, going back to cleaning the table.

Thomas walked to her and grabbed her hand, taking her away from the table.

"You're better than any of these lot! Oh come one, please?" asked Thomas, making puppy eyes and stretching out the 'please'.

Victoria was already recording, naturally.

"Fuck you. Fine, I'll do it. Just this once." said Alex.

"Speak in English so the fans can understand you!" joked Victoria in English, making everyone laugh except Alex.

"Fuck you, Vic!" said Alex in English, flipping her off.

The chorus started and Thomas along with Alex started doing Thomas' dance that he taught all four other still in Rotterdam. He thought it was important for him to share his incredible talent, as he called it, with the four so he kept teaching them until they all knew it off by heart and correctly.

Finally, the chorus ended and Alex collapsed on the ground in a starfish postion in defeat. "Fuck the world!" she shouted and put her hands up showing her middle fingers to the sky.

She stood up and shook herself. "Who next!?" shouted Thomas and then he looked at Victoria and smirked. She had already posted the video of Alex and Thomas on the band's Instagram story.

"Oh my dear Victoria, I remember what you did earlier. Come here and dance with me." he said, smiling innocently at her.

"No, no, no." she said.

"Yes," said Thomas going forward and dragging Victoria by the hand "Music please!"

The music started playing and Alex had already started recording.

"Ecco cosa ottieni, Vic!" ["Here's what you get, Vic!"] said Alex, from behind the camera.

Thomas and Victoria danced and then Victoria started laughing when she tripped over her feet.

It was a nice night for the rest of it and then at around twelve everyone went to sleep ready for a new day tomorrow.

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