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The next hour or so went by in a flash; countries performing, countries giving their votes, Thomas breaking a glass and nervous hand holding.

"Hundred and eighty points!" says the jury.

Iceland scored 180 points from the televoting.

They're at the top now.

"And that means we have a new leader!" says the organizer.

"We move on - we move on to Italy."

Alexandra could feel Damiano's grip tighten on her hand. She could hear him muttering swear words under his breath. One hand was covering his nose and mouth whilst the other way laid on his lap, tightly holding onto Alex's hand.

"You'll be fine, Dam. Even if you don't win, you should still be very proud that you even got to come here." said Alex, smiling at Damiano.

He looked down at her and whispered a thank you, his lips in a nervous smile.

"Italy get ready to recieve, from the public," Damiano's hand tightened its grip again.

Alex leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Just relax, you'll be fine." She backed away and saw her and Damiano on the screen of the arena. She put her other hand on top of his hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

Damiano relaxed a bit under her touch and words, yet he was still stressed.

"I think we may win." said Thomas to his sister leaning back to see Alex from where he was sitting next to Victotia.

"Three hundred and eighteen points!"

Damiano opened his mouth and looked at Alex, who had tears in her eyes. She instantly looked back and started clapping her hands.

"Alex! You were right! I think we might win!" said Victoria, jumping up and down on where she stood. She quickly ran up to her best friend and hugged her tightly.

Once they pulled apart, Alex looked at Thomas, who was on the other side of Damiano, and winked at him. He sent her one of his widest smiles yet. She could tell her brother was very happy.

Victoria and Alex kept squealing jumping up, holding eachothers hands, whilst Damiano took his glass of champagne and drank from it.

Victoria then decided to jump all around the sofa they were sitting on.

"Italy is in the lead with five hundred and twenty-four points but, maybe, one of these countries waiting for points will jump out in front, or maybe not.

"Italy is in the lead, but, three countries still haven't recieved their points from the public yet and those countries are Malta, France and Switzerland."

"OK, we're all wide awake, aren't we?"

"Italy leads with five hundred and twenty-four points but we all know things can still change. We move on to Malta. Malta has recieved, from the public, forty-seven points."

Damiano's hand quickly found Alex's and he started chipping the black nail polish of it, nervously without even realizing it probably.

"We're close, we're very close." he said as the camera's directing on them.

"Yes we are, Dam, yes we are." said Alex, rubbing his hand with her thumb comfortingly.

"Alright, the level of excitement here is just totally crazy."

The next couple minutes were a blur of excitement to Alex.

Damiano shouting in English for the organizers to hurry up and France earning two hundred and fifty-one points.

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