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"Finally!" exclaimed Ethan as Franco drove up the driveway to the five's joint house.

"This journey from there felt like days!" said Victoria.

"Oh it really did, didn't it?" asked Alex as she started out of the window, the rest agreed.

"I am going straight to the pool." said Ethan, his eyes glued on the blue crystal water.

Franco parked out on tbe driveway and he, along with the rest, climbed out of the car. He went and got everyone's suitcases, handing it to then and saying goodbye and that he'd call them tomorrow about new ideas that he has for them.

"Finally home." said Damiano, dreamily. It was the first time he had spoken to them in hours.

"Yes! Finally!" exclaimed Victoria. "Now, who wants to go to the pool?"

After a while, everyone was ready in their swimming clothes they were already outside, the music playing loudly.

Damiano was managing the barbecue that they decided to have. He stood alone, trying to light the fire. Alex thought it was a good time to speak to him about what was bothering him.

She started walking towards him, she had her hair in a messy, high ponytail, her swimming costume was a two-piece one. The top was white joined by a golden circle and the botton was alsk white joined by a golden circle but it was covered by her black jean shorts.

"Hey." she said as she stood next to Damiano.

Damiano froze at that voice. His heart beat getting faster by the second. He was standing under a big tree where the barbecue was placed but he got really warm.

He did look hot, his torso and chest revealed, showing his many tattoos. He had white and black checkered swimming trunks covering the top of his legs.

"Hey, Alex." he said, his lips instantly turned into an uncontrolable smile, his truest yet. Alex instantly smiled back. 'Oh Lord, that smile will kill me one day,' he thought.

Yet something weird happened. When Alex saw Damiano smile, she felt this weird warm sensation in her heart, her heat sped up and she almost felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders, but she was too oblivious to notice.

"I need to ask what was troubling you. And don't give me that shitty 'Oh, I'm fine' nonsense. Clearly, something was bothering you.

"I'm good, it's just I think it's only hitting me now that we won Eurovision. Like we actually won it. Our life isn't going to be the same anymore. I've achieved what I dreamt of since being a child." 'good thinking, perfect and believeable excuse, Damiano.'

"I didn't think of it that way. I was wondering why you wete so quiet." said Alex as Damiano smiled.

"Typical you." he said as he turned away to check up on the barbecue.

For a couple minutes they were in a very comfortable silence but then the two errupted in a conversation about which my little pony was the best. Alex said it was rainbow dash and she represented the whole of LGBTQ+ but Damiano's personal favourite was Fluttershy.

He looked at how Alex was excited to be talking about things she loved and he realised how much he had fallen for this girl.

He came to see how hard it would be to get her to notice his feelings for her but, he wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

A/N -

Okay, so when descirbing the swim suit I didn't really know how to do it but what I was aiming for you to imagine was this swim suit

Okay, so when descirbing the swim suit I didn't really know how to do it but what I was aiming for you to imagine was this swim suit

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Sometimes, my describing skills can be dreadful and, because it is still quite early in the morning, this is one of those times.

But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have an INCREDIBLE weekend! ❤️❤️

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