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"Took us long enough to get here." said Alex as she got out of the car, stretching her legs after almost three hours.

"Good that our flight isn't for another two hours." laughed Damiano, as he got out of the car after Alex.

The driver was already taking out all of the suitcases and Alex went up to him to thank him and to get all of their suitcases.

"Thank you!" said Alex in English.

"Ah, yes, yes. No problem!" said the driver.

The five soon got out of the car and thw driver drove away. All they did was wait for Franco to come with his car. They went to the side to wait for him when Alex got a call.

It was her ex-boyfriend.

At first, she just ignored it and declined the call everytime he called yet soon it got annoying and she decided to just answer.

"I'll be back I need to answer this.' she said as she looked at her phone and walked away, stressfully.

She walked to the side of the building, only a couple meters away from the other four. They couldn't see her, but they could faintly hear her if she raised her voice.

"What do you want?" she said sternly.

"You." answered someone through the phone.

Alex laughed loudly and sarcastically, the four heard this. "Oh really? So now you want me, but when we were dating you thought it was OK to cheat on me?" she asked angrily and loudly.

"Your brother just won Eurovision, it's obvious I want you back." he said through the phone.

"Oh! I didn't realise he did that." said Alex, sarcastically.

"Listen-" he said but Alex cut him off

"No, Alessio, you listen. Just because my brother won Eurovision doesn't make me more important and worthy of someone better than you and you're self-obsessive mind. If you really wanted me, then you wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place. I'm not daft, I know when someone is actually worthy of me. Listen here, Alessio, I moved on and I'm better now. I'm going to hang up and you better never try to contact me again, understood?" said Alex, loudly enough for the four to hear her.

Victoria, Thomas and Ethan went to get food from a little food truck parked on the airport parking lot yet Damiano didn't go as he wasn't hungry. He was humming 'Zitti E Buoni' under his breath and smoking a cigarette, waiting for either Alex or the three to come yet he stopped when he heard Alex say Alessio's name. Damiano tensed up, he knew how much that man hurt his best friend and how much he broke her.

"But- " said the voice yet it didn't finish as Alex hung up and put her phone back into her pocket. She kicked a stone laying on the ground into the bushes next to her and sat down on a wooden bench, brushing her hands through her hair stopping halfway and leaving her head in her hands.

She heard footsteps yet she was unbothered to look up but then she felt someone sit next to her and put an arm around her. She looked up to see Damiano, smiling down at her slightly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked softly.

"I heard your conversation. I was alone because Thomas, Victoria and Ethan went to get food so it was kind of impossible not to, I'm sorry that he's bothering you." he said, looking her in the eyes. "No man should ever treat any woman like that, especially if that woman is you."

He looked into her eyes, there was something different about them. As if they were duller than they usually were. That beautiful sky blue colour was duller, like a sunny sky being covered by dark storm clouds. Yet there was a shine in them at the same time, like the thunder.

Her whole person felt different. Damiano wasn't sure if something in her changed or if something in him changed.

He couldn't possibly be falling for Alex, could he?

No, that - that was impossible.

Yet the question 'am I?' was stuck in his head.

And the worst thing was, was that he didn't know if he would get an answer anytime soon.

A/N -



Also, I'm actually so proud of this chapter, I LOVE it.

Now, I know Camila doesn't have blue eyes but, for this chapter, lets pretend she does. 😩

I'm sorry for the late update but I was busy all day and I didn't have the chance to update earlier! But, better late than never! ❤️

ANYWAY, hope you all have an incredible rest of your day!

And, don't forget to listen to 'La Parole Lontane' and cry about just how bad your life is! Just like I've been doing for the past week and a bit everyday! 😃

But, on a more positive note, I hope you do actually have a great rest of your day!

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