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"OK, I have a surprise!" exclaimed Damiano, bursting into his and Alex's bedroom.

Alex jumped since she hadn't seen Damiano the whole day and all of a sudden he just bursts into the room.

"Dude, do you want me to have a heart attack?" replied Alex, putting her paintbrush and paint palette down.

"Sorry, love." he walked up to Alex, kissing her on the lips and then he saw the painting she was painting.

Her hair was up in a bun and she had paint all over her clothes and arms. She had a pale pink oversized shirt with many paint stains, some old, some new, and grey shorts with also many paint stains.

The painting was of a place with grass and flowers and a big tree with a swing and soon Damiano realised it was the place where Thomas, Victoria, Ethan and him would hang out as kids. Thomas introduced the place to them and said that it was extremely important to him and Alex since most their childhood was based there.

"It's the place near your house, isn't it? It looks so lovely and realistic. Wow, my girlfriend is so talented." said Damiano, looking at the picture.

"Thank you." she said, getting up. "What's your surprise? What did you get yourself?"

"How did you know it was for myself?" asked Damiano, furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh, no! Did you see it by any chance?"

"Oh, darling, I know you." she said, hitting his shoulder lightly.

"It's outside." said Damiano.

"Let me change, wait."  said Alex, opening the closet doors.

Once Alex changed, Damiano and her went downstairs and then he opened the front door but before opening it widely he told Alex to close her eyes.

"Let me hope no clown hops out of nowhere." said Alex, closing her eyes.

"You think I'd do that?" asked Damiano in fake pain as he opened the door widely and helped Alex out with out tripping.

"Yes." she answered simply.

Damiano just scoffed and said, "OK, open your eyes."

Alex took her hand off her eyes and then stared shocked at the motorcycle in front of her.

"I got a motorcycle!" he shouted.

Alex just stared shocked between Damiano and the motorcycle.

"You got a motorcycle!" exclaimed Alex in both shock and confusion. "You got yourself a motorcycle." she repeated to herself as if to process it.

"Do you like it?" he asked, looking at it in love.

"Yeah, it's really cool. But, how?" asked Alex.

"You remember last week when I told you I wanted to get a motorcycle?" asked Damiano and Alex nodded. "Yeah, well, that night I went onto the internet and I found out someone was selling this bad boy and I fell in love so I contacted the seller and I went to see it today and I loved him so I bought him and now here he is."

"He? Don't say you'll be naming it." said Alex.

"I decided him to be a he and I will be naming him." he answered, smirking and Alex laughed.

"Woah, whose motorcycle is that?" asked Victoria, walking out of the house with Ethan and Thomas.

"Mine!" exclaimed Damiano.

"It's so cool." said Ethan, moving forward to look closely at the motorcycle, Victoria and Thomas doing the same.

"How did you get it?" asked Thomas.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now