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"OK, so you took us out here yet you have no idea where we're going?" asked Thomas, his arms crossed on his chest as he looked down at Victoria.

"Well, I was hoping you two would just kind of, you know, give me ideas." said Victoria to Thomas and Alex yet she wasn't listening as she sat on a stone looking at a map of Rotterdam.

She found the way to Grote Of Sink-Laurenskerk, or Great St. Lawrence church in English, a place she has always wanted to visit since she was six. She also wanted to visit the Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, but that can wait for another time she'll visit Rotterdam. She's sure she'll come back to this city full of mysteries and passionate musicians.

She quickly stood up and started talking in between Thomas' and Victoria's little fight. "We could go to Grote of Sink-Laurenskerk. I've always wanted to go there." she said, smiling down at the map.

"Oh that - that . . . thing. Sure I don't mind." said Thomas, shrugging his shoulders.

"Vic?" asked Alex, turning her head to her best friend.

"I say; lets do it!" she exclaimed. "Not that I could think of anything anyway."

The three laughed and started walking down the streets of Rotterdam.

"Did you know that Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk is the only medieval building in Rotterdam as all the others got destroyed during World War II?" said Alex as the three walked down a small street lined with restaurants, cafés and shops.

"Now that is some cool history." said Victoria.

"We'll be walking in something that -" started Thomas but got interrupted when his phone started to ring.

He took it out of his pocket to see who it was. "It's Damiano."

"Oh I sure do hope they're not dead." said Alex blankly.

"I think I'd survive." said Victoria, joining in on her friends sarcasm.

"Me too. I don't think I'd miss them too much" said Alex and the two girla looked at eachother for a couple seconds with a straight face and then burst out in laughter.

"He said that him and Ethan feel better after taking that discusting thing and that they're going to join us." said Thomas after he hung up.

"Wait, I thought you said you didn't make it." said Victoria.

"Yes, I didn't. But Alex did. They found it in your guys' room." said Thomas.

"Why the fuck were they in our room?" asked Alex.

"Don't ask me! Ask them once they come." said Thomas putting his hands in surrender.

"Alright well, tell them that we'll be waiting. But where?" asked Alex.

"Oh! Look at that café there! It looks real fucking cool." said Victoria.

Alex turned her head to the café Victoria pointed at. Food 'N' Roll.

From what she could see, it had black walls inside, red chairs, black tables and a red floor. There were paintings of famous Rock 'N' Rollers from all over the world and all over the centuries hanging on the wall. There were light bulbs inside glass cups on the middle of every table, Alex had no idea how that worked but it looked cool.

"It does, Alex?" asked Thomas.

"I love it." she said.

And so, the three started walking towards the café, waiting for their best friends on the streets of Rotterdam, the mystical city of the Netherlands.

A/N - Don't worry, things will start to happen soon in this story. 😏

I've got it all planned out and I LOVE it.

Now, let me bless you with a picture that I found on Måneskin's instagram this morning. (WHEN I SAW THIS I LITERALLY COULDN'T HOLD IT IN, IT'S SO FUCKING HOT.)


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It looks like one of this edited photos of fictional characters into real settings

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It looks like one of this edited photos of fictional characters into real settings. If you know what I mean.

Like this -


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lots of love,
the person obsessed with Måneskin and the person who reads fanfics for comfort,
the author of this story.

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