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"My country, baby!" exclaimed Victoria as she stepped out of the airplane in front of me.

"Sure is." I said, smiling.

We wore matching sunglasses that we had gotten a couple summers ago and matching sandals. The sun hit my face so I took the sunglasses down from my hair and onto my nose, letting the little chain hang.

We moved to the side to wait for the other four to come out of the plane whilst talking about the most random things.

"Damiano rented a tattoo artist to come later at night, I don't know if he mentioned it already." I said.

"He said something about it yesterday but I don't think any of us listened, we were to drunk to listen to him." laughed Victoria.

"My two favourite girls!" exclaimed Ethan as he stepped out of the plane.

"We're two of the only girls you know, dumbass." I said.

"I have more sisters than you." said Ethan, squinting his eyes at me.

"One, I don't even have a sister and, two, I meant in a friend or more way not a family way." I said, rolling my eyes playfully.

"For your information, I have had many hook-ups." said Ethan, smugly.

"Woah! Me too!" I replied sarcastically.

"Haven't we all?" asked Victoria.

"The air in there was so fucking humid I could barely breath." said Damiano as he, Thomas and Leo stepped out the plane.

"The woman that sat in front of me and Ethan had this really cool doll that if you pulled its hair it would scream, but the woman would not stop pulling the dolls fucking hair and all you could hear was Aah! Ahh! Ahh! Aah!" said Thomas, immitating screams.

"Well, it looks like you all had a very interesting flight." said Victoria, chuckling.

The other four just groaned as me and Victoria laughed.

Later that night, after the concert, we were all in Damiano's and Leo's shared hotel room, waiting for the tattoo artist.

"I started walking towards the door and then a -" I said but then a knock interupted me and the five other went towards it excitedly. "Motherfuckers won't even let me finish my story!"

They all apologized to me and then opened the door as I took a seat on Damiano's bed, crossed-legged and flipping through a magazine I had found earlier in a shop since Victoria was trying to teach me Danish.

"To Hell with this language!" I shouted when I saw all the words. "Oh, nevermind, I know what this all means. Sorry." Everyone turned back to the door as the tattoo artist walked in.

"Alright! Who's first?" he asked excitedly once he had everything set up.

"I'll go." said Damiano, getting up from sitting next to me interupting another of my stories, again.

"Can no one seriously finish a fucking story around here?" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, love." said Damiano, kissing my cheek before going to sit down to tell Salve, the tattoo artist, his idea for a tattoo.

"I'll listen to your story!" exclaimed Ethan, jumping onto the bed next to me.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and then started telling my story again.

"You're getting your fuck finger tattooed? That's such an amazing idea." I asked Damiano once I finished telling my story to Ethan who was quite intrigued.

"Uh-ha. And you are too." he said, winking.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I have it all planned out and I spoke to Slave about it, we'll be matching!" he exclaimed.

"Cool! But just know that if we break up, I'm getting it removed." I said, shaking my head.

"What makes you think we'll break up?" asked Damiano, looking down at me.

"Trust me, the universe has started hating me recently. I feel like it'll do anything just make my life miserable." I said, standing up from next to him.

"Yeah, she's weird like that." I heard Damiano whisper to Salve who, I'm sure, was confused.

"I heard that!" I shouted, not looking back.

"I still love you! I promise!" he shouted back.

"I feel like I should get something tattoed, I'm just not sure where." said Thomas as I approached where he sat with Victoria and Ethan since Leo was out, getting food.

"How about just below your ribcage?" I asked, sitting down on the ground next to Victoria.

"That... is a great idea!" said Thomas, stopping to think and then high-fiving me.

"You know, I'm just great like that." I said and then the door opened revealing Leo with three pizza boxes in his hands and many cans of fizzy drinks.

"You see?! Exactly what I mean when I say the universe will do anything to make me miserable!" I exclaimed, looking at Damiano who looked back at me. "Universe, what have I done?"

"I have pizza!" exclaimed Leo, clearly not hearing what I had just said.

"Now I understand." said Damiano. "The universe really hates you, doesn't it?"

"Wow, thanks, Damiano." I replied sarcastically.

The five sat on the ground, eating the pizza as I sat on the bed above them.

"I feel like vomiting just because of the smell, as if I was pregnant." I said and Damiano turned to look at me in horror. 

"You're what?" said Damiano, choking which made me laugh. Not the choking but the part where he got so scared and Ethan had to clap his back, making him cough.

"She said as if she were." laughed Victoria.

"I'm on birth control, my dude!" I laughed.

"Thank Goodness because I am so not ready." said Damiano.

"Just joking, I'm not on birth control." I smiled evily once Damiano was facing away from me and he started choking again.

"You're not on what?!" he exclaimed, making everyone laugh.

"I'm only joking! I need to stop because knowing the universe it would make you choke to death just to make me miserable." I said standing up to go and get some water.

"I would so this if I were a woman." said Ethan, laughing.

Before I knew it, everyone had eaten and I was waiting for Salve to get his needle ready to start tattooing the design Damiano chose on me.

"My boy, just don't break up with me because, seriously, I think the universe is capable of doing that." I said to Damiano who sat next to me.

"I won't let you leave. Ever." he said and I smiled.

He really made me fall head-over-heels.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now