Chapter 1!

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Arizona's POV

It's my second night in Seattle and I start my new job tomorrow. This is the most spontaneous thing I have ever done. I always wanted to work at Seattle Grace so when Chief Webber contacted me about a contract I immediately bought an apartment and left my other job.

I'm a pediatric surgeon but I'm also certified in fetal surgery making my salary grow a good bit. I was a little scared moving out here, I know no one and it's going to be a transition for sure.

I sent my things here about a week ago and started unpacking when I moved in, I still have boxes upon boxes everywhere, with the demanding schedule I'm about to endure it's going to take me forever to unpack all this,

I have to be at the hospital at 9 Am tomorrow morning to meet with Webber. I met him once at a conference for surgical inovation and  he has been trying to get me to come work for him in Seattle but I was still in contract at my other hospital until recently

Since tonight I had no plans and Didn't feel like spending the time in my apartment I decided I would have a night out at the bar.

I got dressed and curled my hair that now only came to about my shoulder. And drove over to Emerald City Bar. It was the first bar that popped up on Google when I looked for one. It was also straight across from the hospital and I lived only about 15 minutes from there. I got lucky with my apartment, I had to put in a higher offer than asking price to even get it.

I walked in the bar and took in all the surroundings, groups of people sat at the tables and a few lingered at the bar

I walked straight to the bar and ordered a Vodka Tonic drinking on that,

"You're new around here huh?" The bartender ask me

"Uh yea, how'd you know?" I chuckle

"You looked around like you were lost when you walked in, I'm Joe, the owner of the bar. Welcome to Seattle" he says and I thank him,

I ordered another drink and got halfway down when I noticed a beautiful brunette by herself on the end of the bar. I wanted to move down and introduce myself but decided against it. It's probably not the best idea to sleep with a stranger the night before I start my new job.... Or is it?

I did catch her looking over and smiling at me every once in a while when she thought I wasn't looking, it was cute. Her smile was to die for and I couldn't get enough of it,

I noticed she finished her drink and walked into the bathroom, I waited... like 5 seconds before getting up and following her, I couldn't help it okay?

I walked in the bathroom and she was washing her hands, she looked up at me and smiled, there it was again that damn smile, I placed one of my hands on the back of her neck and brought her closer to me taking her lips in mine, she quickly returned the kiss and placed her hands on my waist holding me closer to her, this felt different. I have had my fair share of one night stands, it's something that I'm not embarrassed or ashamed about. Everyone has a sex life and  mine just seems to be adventurous, plus I have learned and taught a bunch of new things

"Want to get out of here?" She ask me and I nod quickly still getting in small kisses before We walk out

"Joe? Can I pay my tab now" I say anxiously waiting so I could go home with the Brunette of which I still don't know her name,

Joe came over and I payed my tab and the women did the same and we walked out together. She got in my car and I trialed my hand up and down her thigh the whole way to my house, by the time we reached my apartment I was rubbing her through her jeans, and she whimpered softly  when I parked the car and pulled away

I took her to my floor and pinned her against the door to start making out with her as soon as it opened and I started unbuttoning her jeans

"Are you sure about this?" I ask breathing heavily before going any further

"Very, please take me" she pleads and I smirk leading her into my bedroom,


We both lay naked on my bed, sheets tangled up in us, hair everywhere and our breathing trying to settle down

"That- that was amazing" she chuckles after her, you know what I don't even know. I lost track of how many times I made her orgasm below me. I smiled and rollled over to kiss her again

"No I agree" I say and lay down on my back and she props herself up on her side resting her head in her hand

"I don't even know your name" she chuckles and I roll over taking her same position

"Arizona," say

"Callie" she smiles

"That a beautiful name. Callie" I smile and climb back on top of her straddling her waist And start kissing down her neck again


It was 3 am now, Callie had left a little while ago. She was persistent on getting a cab back to the bar to retrieve her car,

I had 6 hours before I needed to be in the office of my future boss,

Deciding on getting up to shower now and I got up and got a pajama set to change into afterwards

Might as well be comfortable for the 2 hours I will get to relax

I took my shower and changed and went around the room finding all my clothes that were thrown around the room previously, I picked up a pair of panties that didn't belong to me

She must have just put on her jeans when she left,

I chuckled to myself and I threw  the clothes and the sheets in the wash and laid down on the couch to see if I could get a little bit of sleep, I did end up falling asleep to the Golden Girls in the background,

Till next time ❤️

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