Chapter 44

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Callies POV

The three of us are still at the hospital and it's passed 9 pm. Jess and I are exhausted . We didn't plan on staying so long but after Arizona met with the parents she wanted to stay and hang out with some of our old co-workers

We were still in the lounge while she was drinking coffee and talking. Jess started yawning and leaning against me 15 minutes ago and was out cold now, she has been having a rough time, I know Arizona knows it too.

She is acting out and keeping her feelings inside and the only way she can cope is with catching attitudes,

I moved to the end of the couch and Jess moved to lay down in my lap and I ran my fingers through her hair.

I know I don't have the same type of relationship with her but I'm glad she's trust me enough to let herself relax around me

15 minutes later and she was still talking and I was starting to get even more drowsy

"Arixona" I say and she smiles and looks over at me

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I completely forgot" she says checking the time on her phone

"I am so sorry" she says

"It's okay," I smile and she looks at me sympathetically

"April we have to go, I'll be here tomorrow" she smiles and stands up to give April a hug

I moved my attention to Jess and started to rub her arm a little

"Wake up Hunny," I whisper and she stirs

"Hm" she mumbles

"Jess, we're leaving" I say and she sits up and rubs her eyes

"Come on sweetheart" Arizona says soothingly and takes her hand

"By April" I smile and Arizona, Jess and I leave the hospital

"Jess you hungry?" Arizona asked her

"No" she yawns

"Well we're going to stop by McDonald's quick and get something" she says and Jess just nods in the rear view mirror

"When was the last time you ate?" I ask her and she shrugs

"I'm just not hungry" she says getting defensive and I decide to drop it

We went by McDonald's and made sure to order something for Jess too

When we got home Jess went straight to her room and arixona sat everything down on the counter

"What was that?" She asked

"When was the last time you seen her eat?" I ask

"I- oh my god" she sighs and sits down at the table

"Callie is she not eating?" She ask worriedly

"Let's just think about it, when was the last time she ate dinner?" I ask

"Before we left" she says and I nod

"2 days" she says

"Callie I didn't notice, how haven't I noticed?" She ask and I crouch   down in front of her and take her hands

"Hey, she'll be okay, she probably hasn't realized it. We have been really busy for the last few days" I say and she nods

"We have a big month coming up," I remind her and she smiles

Our sexaversary is this week, then Jess birthday is next week

"We do" she smiles

"And I still don't know what to for Jess birthday"  she sighs

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