Chapter 54

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Arizona's POV

Callie had let me know that Alex had came back with Jess last night after she went over to his, she also told me Jess told her she wanted to talk but then I received a text saying she was going to bed and we'll just talk in the morning

Callie and I actually stayed up and watched a movie last night after I checked on the kids. Knowing they were asleep we laid in bed together

It was not even 9am yet and I heard rustling through the house. I rolled over in bed and Callie was still there fast asleep

I grabbed my robe from the bathroom door and tied it around myself before walking out of our bedroom and shutting the door behind me

"Is she almost here?" I hear Jess ask

"Yea, she said be ready" Alex replies as I walk in to the living room

"Good morning" I say making myself known

"Good morning, did we wake you? Im sorry if I did" Alex says and I walk over to stand behind my daughter

"It's okay, are you leaving this early?" I ask him and he sighs

"Yea, my mom is almost here" he explains and I nod. I stayed and talked to them for a few minutes until his mom arrived.

"Are you laying back down?" I ask Jess once Alex had left

"Yea, I'm so tired." She says

"You slept all night" I chuckle

"Yea but I have also been worrying about my girlfriend so the sleep wasn't good" she mumbles as we walk back the hallway

"What's wrong with Amara?" I ask

"Nothing, I'll just tell you about it later" she says and I nod, not going to push it until she comes to me about it

"You want to get in bed with us?" I ask her and she looks at me funny

"Are the sheets clean?" She asked and I hit the back of her head

"Yes Jessica the sheets are clean" I say playfully and she follows me into my room.

I took my robe off, leaving me in a t-shirt and shorts and got back into bed, I moved myself towards the middle so I was flush against Callie and jess got into bed after me,

A few minutes later she was asleep and I had my hand rubbing up and down her arm.

I am kind of surprised Amara hasn't been around. Yes it's only been a few days but it's still odd for her not to be here And Ada hasn't said anything either which makes me wonder if the girls had a falling out

Right as I was about to fall back to sleep Jess moved again and got comfortable before talking

"Mom?" She mumbled, and I smiles. I doubt she will remember what she is saying but doesn't mean I can't enjoy this moment

"Yes my love?" I ask softly, making sure not to wake callie

"I love you" she says softly and I chuckle because as soon as she said it she began softly snoring

" I love you too" I smile and kiss the back of her head


The three of us woke back up again at 11.

Callie said she would make lunch while Jess and I got a chance to talk

I gave Callie a kiss and followed Jess back to her room and she sat on the bed and I sat next to her

"Is everything okay with you and Amara?" I ask

"This is hard" she chuckles

"What is?" I ask

"You have to promise not to get mad at me" she says and I sigh

"Jess" I say softly

"How about i try my best?" I bargain and she nods

"I don't know what happened between me and Amara honestly. I don't know if I did something. Well I know I did something but I don't know why she won't talk to me" she says and I nod

"What did you do?" I ask, placing a comforting hand on her leg

"We had sex and now she won't answer my calls or text and I don't know if she is mad at me or if she regrets it but I just want to know if she is okay and I know you said we're too young but it's over now" she says quickly in one breath

"You done?" I ask, wanting to make sure she said everything before I talked

"Yea" she says quietly

"I'm not mad. I told you I wouldn't be. I don't like that you're 16 but I can't really say anything, you're just my baby" I smile and pull her into my so she is leaning into my side

"And as for Amara, I'm sure there are many reasons as to why she isn't answering you" I say

"I can ask Ada if she is okay tonight. I won't say anything else" I say and she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder

"I love her. Even more so then Ava..... I didn't think I would be okay after we broke up but I know I won't be able to keep going without Amara." She says sadly

"Like I said, I'm sure there is a reason." I smile, trying to reassure her

"Jessica" I say and she looks up at me

"Please for the love of god tell me you washed your sheets" I say, very scared of the answer I might receive and she laughs

"I did. Remember I told you I spilled soda on them" she smiles and I sigh while she laughs

"It's not funny!" I say and push her off of me just for her to lay back down again

"So what happened at Alex's" I ask, I figured something had happened for him to stay and for her not to ask first

"His step dad is an ass" she says bluntly

"He is the one who drove us here but he was running red lights and his car smelled like weed" she says

"What!? Why didn't you just call Callie? Or me? I would have came and got you before letting you ride with someone who is high" I frown, not really proud of that decision

"It was too late, we were already in the car" she says

"I don't want you riding with them again" I tell her firmly

"Does his step dad live there?" I ask and she nods

"Yea" she says and I sigh, I don't really have a problem if they smoke. I mean. Do what you want to do in your own home. But I don't like that they are driving with my 16 year old

"I don't know if I want you back over there" I tell her honestly but softly

"Alex is more than welcome over here" I say, brushing the hair behind her ear

"Okay" she sighs

"Do you work tonight?" She asked me

"I do.. why?" I ask

"I was just going to see if we could go see Amara if not. But since you'll see Ada tonight it's fine" she replies

"Hey lunch is done" Callie calls

"I'm proud of you. For talking with me.  I love you"  I tell Jess before we go to the kitchen to eat lunch

Till next time ❤️

This chapter is a lot more dialogue then normal I feel... what did you think of it though? Good? Bad?

I hope you all have a good week!

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