Chapter 50

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Arizona's POV

We're finally back in Malawi, our week in Seattle was amazing and I really enjoyed being back,

Jess I glad to be back with her girlfriend now, those two have been together and insuperable since we got back,

We have been back for 3 days now, everything has returned to normal for the three of us. Callie and I are working now while Jess is at school then afterwords Amara is going back to the house with her. I haven't really seen much of Noah since the girls started dating;

I guess that makes sense though I never wanted to hang out with Tim and his girlfriends, always felt like a third wheel

Tomorrow Jess and I are doing our mother daughter day then the next day is her 16th birthday,

She hasn't really said she wanted anything big, all she told us she wanted to do was go to the movies with her friends and then have Amara stay afterwords, easy enough for us, I just want her to have fun

It's her first birthday with me and I just really want it to go perfect, I want her to be happy and if she is happy then that is all that matters

I finished up rounds and went to find Something to do, my schedule has been pretty empty lately, I don't have many surgeries planned or even emergency ones. I
Guess it's a good thing that there are no sick tiny humans,

"Arizona!" I hear and turn around to see Ada
Coming up towards me

"Hey" I smile

"Want to grab lunch?" She ask and I nod and we walk down to the cafeteria to get lunch and found a table to sit in

"How was your trip back to the states?" She asked me

"It was good, I got to see my parents and definitely realize how much I miss it there" I say and she gives me a sympathetic smile

"Have you considered moving back?" She ask

"Yea, yea I have. It's just not something I can do. I can't move Jess right now, she would be devastated" I explain and she nods

"I understand that, Amara was on the phone with her everyday while you guys were gone, but also, if there is no advancement here, Jess will accommodate" she says and I sigh

"I just don't feel it's right for me to decide to move us all. Callie left her family to come, Jess has friends here. School. I have friends, and I love the kids" I smile

"I know you will make the right decision, but I will miss you. I need a person to eat lunch with, and I might as well be paying you child support for Amara" she laughs and I follow along

I sighed out of work half an hour ago and was now just walking into the apartment, Callie should be getting home in the next hour and a half

Walking in I noticed it was pretty quiet for two teenagers

I walked back to Jess room and her door was open, looking into her room I had noticed that the two girls were asleep,

Jess lay with her head. On Amaras chest and her arm was draped over her stomach while Amara had her arms wrapped around Jess

I am glad that she gets to be happy. I love seeing her happy and the sparkle in her eye whenever she is with Amara makes it worth it.

It hurts thinking how just a year ago she didn't have this support, her parents couldn't love her for her. But they are missing out on one wonderful young woman, she likes to test my patience and catch attitudes but I wouldn't change it for the world,

I left the two in her room asleep and I walked back out to the kitchen so I could start dinner before Callie got home,

I got everything out and washed my produce, once I put some things into the skillet I heard footsteps coming down the hall

I continued what I was doing until Jess stood next to me

"How was your nap?" I ask and she wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, holding her against me and putting one of my hands on the back of her head

"Yea I'm okay," she smiles

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods

"Can I ask you a question?" She ask and I nod as she backs away from me

"How did you know you loved Callie?" She asked and I smile

"I just did, I know it's not the answer you are looking for. She made me feel safe, she made me smile and laugh, I knew I could trust her" I explain

"You think you feel that way about Amara?" I ask and she blushes

"Yea, I think I do." She says and picks at her fingers

"Hey, Amara is a wonderful girl, if you love her, then tell her," I smile

"What if she doesn't feel the same about me" she asked nervously

"Are you serious? That girl is head over heels for you, anyone knows that" I tell her

I finished dinner just before Callie got home and her, Jess, And I sat down for dinner, Amara had left just half an hour earlier; she would have stayed but Ada didn't want to come get her in the morning for school since Jess wouldn't be going.

After dinner we decided on watching a movie, Callie made some popcorn while Jess got Netflix up and I got some blankets from the bedroom

Callie sat down first and I laid into her just as Jess did to me.

We decided on watching "Holidate" because why not,

It was a pretty good movie, definitely made me laugh a lot

By time it was over Jess was almost asleep so I sent her to her room so she could get ready for bed,

Callie and I picked up the remaining of the house before we went to bed

The both of us got undressed and stepped under the running water, I stood in front of Callie and she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me so that I was flush against her

I looked up at her and smiles and she gave me a kiss and moved her hands from my waist up to my breast,

"Calliope, don't start something you're not going to finish" I warned and she chuckles and spun me around, pushing  me against the cold material of the shower

"Who said I wouldn't finish?"

Till next time ❤️

Chapter 50!? Whoa, didn't think this story was even going to make it past 30,

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